The Pie Chart is available as a widget in Mashup Builder and as a Web Component that you can import from an SDK.
Slice Label | Slice Value | |
Field Definition | x: { name: 'x', baseType: 'STRING' } | value: { name: 'value', baseType: 'NUMBER' } |
Use | Defines the slice label. The data must have a STRING, NUMBER, or DATETIME base type. Each row is displayed as a slice on the chart. The defined name for this column is the option that you should select in the widget DataField property. | Defines the value and the legend label for the category. |
Row Example | x: 'Apple'—Where Apple is the data label to show on the slice. | value: 10—The value for the slice. |
Make sure that the service is triggered by an event at run time. |
To update the chart data automatically at run time, create an Auto Refresh function and bind it to the chart data service. For more information, see Auto Refresh. |
The polar view mode is not supported when the widget is configured as a donut chart. |
Name | Description | Base Type | Default Value | Bindable? |
CustomClass | The user defined CSS class to apply to the top div of the widget. You can enter multiple classes, separated by a space. | STRING | N/A | Y |
Data | An infotable that contains data for the chart. | INFOTABLE | N/A | Y |
DataField | Specifies the infotable column that contains the data labels to display on the chart. | Field Name | N/A | N |
DataFieldType | Controls the formatting of the data labels. | STRING | String | N |
DataStyle | Applies state formatting to the chart. | State Definition | N/A | N |
Disabled | Disables the widget in the mashup. The widget is displayed in the mashup but you cannot click or select it. | BOOLEAN | False | Y |
DonutHoleSize | Sets the size of the hole in the center of the pie chart. Use this property to display a Donut chart. Supported values are between 40 and 99. | NUMBER | 0 | Y |
DonutSelectionlabelType | The type of label used to display the value of the selected slice in a donut chart. | STRING | Large Title | N |
EndAngle | Sets the end angle for the pie chart. | NUMBER | 360 | Y |
StartAngle | Sets the start angle for the chart. | NUMBER | 0 | Y |
HideDataTooltips | Hides tooltips that are displayed on hovering or selecting a data point on the chart. | BOOLEAN | False | N |
HideLegend | Hides the legend area on the chart. | BOOLEAN | False | Y |
HideNotes | Hides the notes area on the chart. | BOOLEAN | False | Y |
HighlightSelection | Highlights the selected slices on the chart. | BOOLEAN | False | N |
Label | Specifies the text label to display for the Pie Chart. | STRING | Pie Chart | Y |
LabelAlignment | Aligns the label of the Pie Chart widget to the Left, Center, or Right. | STRING | Left | N |
LabelPosition | Sets the position of the label at the Top or Bottom. | STRING | Top | N |
LabelType | Controls the label type used for the pie chart. | STRING | Sub-Header | Y |
Margin | Enables you to set a space around the widget in a mashup layout. | NUMBER | 5 | N |
Notes | Specifies the text to display within the notes area on the chart. You can enter a string or select a localization token. | STRING | N/A | Y |
NotesAlignment | Aligns the note text to the Left, Right, or Center within the notes area. | STRING | Left | N |
NotesPosition | Sets the position of the notes area at the Top, or Bottom. | STRING | Bottom | N |
PercentileValues | Converts and displays the data values as percentages. | BOOLEAN | False | N |
PieSlicePadding | Sets the size of the padding between the Pie chart slices. | NUMBER | 0 | N |
PieSliceRadius | Specifies the corner radius for the chart slices. | NUMBER | 0 | N |
PolarView | Uses the radius to visualize the difference between values. Each category is displayed at an equal angle. | BOOLEAN | False | N |
ResetToDefaultValue | A bindable service that resets the widget to its default values at run time | Service | N/A | Y |
SelectedData | An infotable that contains data for selected slices on the chart. Contains multiple rows when multiple selection is enabled. | INFOTABLE | N/A | Y |
SelectionMode | Enables you to set the selection mode to single or multiple. | STRING | Single | Y |
SeriesClicked | An event that triggers when data on the widget is clicked. | Event | N/A | Y |
ShowDataLoading | Displays a spinning icon when data is loading. | BOOLEAN | True | N |
ShowDonutSliceLabel | Displays a label for the donut chart slices. | BOOLEAN | False | N |
ShowHideLegend | Displays toggle button that shows or hides the legend area at run time. | BOOLEAN | False | N |
ShowValues | Displays the slice values on the chart. When the widget is opened in small view ports, make sure to display a limited number of slices. | BOOLEAN | False | Y |
ValuesPosition | Controls the position o f the chart value label on the chart. Options: • On Slices • Outside Slices • Outside Slices with Line | STRING | On Slices | N |
SparkView | Displays a simplified visualization of the chart. | BOOLEAN | False | Y |
TabSequence | The sequence number of the widget when the TAB key is pressed. | NUMBER | 0 | N |
ValueField | The infotable column that contains the data values for each label on the chart. | Field Name | N/A | N |
ValueFormat | Formats data values that are displayed on the chart. You can customize the format to make the chart fit the labels on smaller view ports. | STRING | 0000.0 | Y |
ValuesTooltip | Enables you to configure the formatting and content of the chart tooltip. For more information, see Creating Custom Chart Tooltips. | STRING | PieChartDefaultTooltip | Y |
Visible | Controls the visibility of the widget at run time. | BOOLEAN | True | Y |