Thing Groups Services
Thing Group Services
The following services are available for Thing Group management. All the services below except AssignMembers and ClearMembers check the visibility permissions of member entities against the current user invoking those services. The following behaviors apply to these services:
If a non-administrator user is given appropriate ClearMembers run time permissions, and they run the ClearMembers service on a Thing Group, it clears all members from the Thing Group, regardless if the non-administrator user has visibility to members within the Thing Group.
If a non-administrator user is given appropriate AssignMembers run time permissions and they run the AssignMembers service on a Thing Group, it clears all members from the Thing Group, regardless if the non-administrator user has visibility to existing members within the Thing Group. The service will only successfully execute if the non-administrator user has visibility to the new members in the AssignMembers service call payload.
If a non-administrator user is given appropriate service invoke run time permissions for the Add and Delete services, and they run any of those services on a Thing Group, it will only successfully execute if the non-administrator user also has visibility permissions to the specific members being added or deleted.
If a non-administrator user is given appropriate service invoke run time permissions and they run any of the Get services on a Thing Group, it will only return entities that the non-administrator user has visibility to.
Service Name
members — The name and type of member.
Adds multiple members (Thing and Thing Group) as a batch to the Thing Group on which the service is called. AddMembers does not clear existing members like the AssignMembers service does.
memberName — The name of a Thing Group.
Adds one Thing Group member to the Thing Group on which the service is called.
memberName — The name of a Thing.
Adds one Thing member to the Thing Group on which the service is called.
members — The name and type (Thing or Thing Group) of member.
Clears all members and adds Thing and/or Thing Group members to the Thing Group on which the service is called.
Deletes all members of the Thing Group on which the service is called.
members — The name and type of member.
Deletes multiple members (Thing and Thing Group) as a batch of the Thing Group on which the service is called.
memberName — The name of a Thing Group.
Deletes one Thing Group member of the Thing Group on which the service is called.
memberName — The name of a Thing.
Deletes one Thing member of the Thing Group on which the service is called.
maxItems — The maximum number of returned items.
Returns all members (Thing and Thing Group, only direct members) of the Thing Group on which the service is called.
maxItems — The maximum number of returned items.
Returns all members (Thing and Thing Group, only direct members) of the Thing Group on which the service is called. This service also returns accessModifier, Deprecated, ProjectName, and Namespace attributes.
maxItems — The maximum number of returned items.
Returns all Thing Group members (only direct members) of the Thing Group on which the service is called.
maxItems — The maximum number of returned items.
Returns all direct Thing Group parents for the Thing Group on which the service is called.
maxItems — The maximum number of returned items.
Returns all Thing members (only direct members) of the Thing Group on which the service is called.
maxDepth — The maximum level of depth search. The default value of 1 indicates the current Thing Group instance children level.
maxItems — The maximum number of returned items.
Returns all Things within the hierarchy, including grandchildren Things and great grandchildren Things. Does not return Thing Groups within the hierarchy.
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