Metrics for Audit Activities
The ThingWorx Metrics Reporting Service (TMRS) allows you to share usage metrics with PTC, if you opted into this service. TMRS is a part of the PlatformSubsystem.
For information on configuring the service, refer to the Platform Subsystem topic in the ThingWorx Help Center.
For information about the metrics collected for ThingWorx,visit the Website and click PTC ThingWorx Data Collection to download the policy document (.doc format). The list of metrics that are collected appears at the end of the document (after all translations of the policy).
For better performance, Audit metric count have changed to be an estimate.
To view the subsystem values during processing, from Composer, click the Monitoring icon (), and then click Status > Subsystems. By default, the metrics values refresh automatically every 24 hours. If the ThingWorx Platform restarts before 24 hours, you may lose some data. Here is an example of a report that includes metrics for the categories selected:
The following table provides a description of the metrics for the audit subsystem:
Audit Subsystem Metrics
Number of audits for Data Management
Data Management
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the DATA_MANAGEMENT category.
Number of Files in Audit Archive File Repository
The number of files that contain archived audit messages in the Audit Archive file repository.
Number of audits for Modeling
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the MODELING category.
Number of audits for Authentication
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the AUTHENTICATION category.
Total Number of Online Audits
The count of the entries currently stored online (not yet archived). You may want to use this metric to reset the frequency of archiving audit messages offline.
Number of audits for File Transfer
File Transfer
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the FILE_TRAMSER category.
Number of audits for Data Storage
Data Storage
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the DATA_STORAGE category.
Number of audits for Collaboration
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the COLLABORATION category.
Number of audits for Security Configuration
Security Configuration
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the SECURITY_CONFIGURATION category.
Free Disk space for Audit Archive Repository in MB
The amount of disk space still available for archiving audit messages. It is displayed in MB, rounded to 2 decimal points. This metric is a good indicator of whether the archived audit data in the repository should be cleaned up.
Number of audit messages contained in each archived file
The number of audit messages contained in each archived file.
Last execution time for audit archive service in milliseconds
The number of milliseconds that the most recent archive operation took to complete.
Number of Audits
The total number of online audit entries (or messages).
Number of audits for Import and Export
Import and Export
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the IMPORT_EXPORT category.
Number of audits for Security Configuration Storage
Software Management
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the SOFTWARE_MANAGEMENT category.
Number of audits for Remote Access
Remote Access
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the REMOTE_ACCESS category.
Number of audits for System
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the SYSTEM category.
Number of audits for Lifecycle
The number of audit entries (or messages) for the LIFECYCLE category.
Number of audits for Audit
The number of audit entries (or messages) for the AUDIT category.
Number of audits for Visualization
The number of audit entries (or messages) for the VISUALIZATION category.
Number of days that audit data is retained in online database
The number of days to keep audit data in the online database before it is purged. For example, if the value of this metric is 30, the scheduler runs every day and after archiving the data to offline storage, purges any online audit messages that are older than 30 days.
Audit Archive File Repository space usage in MB
The amount of disk space currently in use by archived audit messages. It is displayed in MB, rounded to 2 decimal points. This metric is a good indicator of whether the repository should be cleaned up.
Number of audits for Device Communication
Device Communication
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the DEVICE_COMMUNICATION category.
Number of audits for Analytics
The number of online audit entries (or messages) for the ANALYTICS category.
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