Resources are services that are exposed as utilities to help in the development of ThingWorx based applications.
The following resources are provided as default system objects. Additional resources may be imported with extensions.
Refer to the ThingWorx API documentation for details on resource-specific services.
AlertFunctions— Alert functions are services used to access and manage alerts and alert metadata configuration.
CollectionFunctions — Collection functions are services to manage collection permissions.
ContentLoaderFunctions — Content loader functions are services to load or post content to and from other web applications.
CurrentSessionInfo — Current Session Info service is used to retrieve information on the currently logged in user.
DashboardFunctions — Dashboard functions are services used to manage dashboards.
DataManagementServices — Data Management service is used to access to the ThingWorx Node4j database backup utility.
DeviceFunctions — Device Functions are services that provide the ability to search for Remote Things and their associated file repository.
EncryptionServices — Encryption services are to encrypt/decrypt a string, such as a password, for storage.
EntityServices — Entity services are to create and delete ThingWorx model entities, such as Things, users, groups, and networks.
FileSystemFunctions — File system Fucntions are services to transfer files to and from Remote Things.
InfoTableFunctions — Info Table functions are services to create infotables and manipulate the data contained in the tables.
NamespaceServices — Namespace services are for namespace management.
RuntimeLocalizationFunctions — Runtime Localization functions are services to access localization content.
ScriptServices — Script services provide syntax checking for your script services.
SearchFunctions — Search functions are services to search the ThingWorx model as well as content.
SourceControlFunctions — Source Control Functions are services to manage exportation of entities as files consumable for source control systems.
SubsystemMonitoring — Subsystem monitoring is to reports on the status of the ThingWorx subsystems.
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