Modifying a Style Theme
To modify a style theme:
1. From Composer, click > > .
2. Select a style theme from the list, and then click the Styles tab.
3. Modify Global and Elements style theme settings. Use the preview mashup to review your changes.
4. Click Save.
By saving changes to global and element settings, you can quickly reuse and share a standard style between multiple users and mashups.
For more information about the available style theme settings, see
Modifying a Style Theme.
The following list outlines the various tabs that you can use to modify a style theme.
• General Information—Specify general information about the style theme.
• Styles—Define style settings using the style theme editor.
• Custom CSS—Add advanced CSS styling.
• Permissions—Specify user permissions for visibility, run time, and design time.
• Change History—Display the changes made to the style theme.
• View Relationships—Display the style theme’s relationship to other entities.