This service allows addition of custom connection properties to the out of the box provided capabilities. The resulting infoTable has a single row with values for additional fields specified in that row.
No input is required for this service.
Following connection parameters are received after executing this service:
• Data Shape
• Infotable Type: Just Infotable
This service allows addition of custom headers to the out of the box provided capabilities. The resulting infoTable has a single row with values for additional fields specified in that row.
No input is required for this service.
Following connection parameters are received after executing this service:
• Data Shape
• Infotable Type: Just Infotable
This service gets the local object or data model endpoint definition for the specified endpoint.
Following are the input parameters for the service:
• endpointId
Executing this service returns the output in the form of a JSON.
The parameter type returns the information whether the object is EntityType or ComplexType.
This service gets local object or data model.
No input is required for this service.
Executing this service returns the output in the form of a JSON.
This service refreshes the endpoint cache.
No input is required for this service.
Following connection parameters are received after executing this service:
• Data Shape
• Infotable Type: Just Infotable
This service validates your connection to the back end system.
No input is required for this service.
Following connection parameters are received after executing this service:
• Data Shape: ConnectorStatus
• Infotable Type: Just Infotable