Using Namespaces and Access Modifiers
Rules for Access Modifier
• Entities with None access modifier are accessible from all other Entities.
• Private Entities are accessible only from their own projects.
• Restricted Entities are accessible only from same project and allowed namespaces.
• Characteristics with None access modifier on an Entity which also has None access modifier are accessible from all other Entities.
• Characteristics with None access modifier on Restricted Entity are accessible only from allowed namespaces.
• Characteristics with None access modifier on Private Entity are accessible only from project in which they're defined.
• Restricted Characteristics are accessible only from same project and allowed namespaces.
• Private Characteristics are accessible only from project in which they're defined.
• If an entity is PRIVATE, characterictics can not have RESTRICTED scope.
• Internal Characteristics are accessible only from the Entity to which Characteristic belongs.
• If an entity or a characteristic is created, it will inherit the scope from its parent.
• Access Modifiers mentioned in sequence of their broadness.
None >> Restricted >> Private >> Internal
◦ None is broader than Restricted, Private and Internal.
◦ Restricted is broader than Private and Internal.
◦ Private is broader than Internal.
◦ Internal is the narrowest access modifier.
• If [P2#Solution].[T2#Thing] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#Component].[T1#Thing], it will allow, because if an entity or a characteristic is PUBLIC within a project, with a namespace or without namespace, it can be called/used by any other entity or characteristic within the same project or a project with different namespace.
• If [P2[n4.n5.n6]#BuildingBlock].[T2#Thing] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#Component].[T1#Thing], it will allow, because if an entity or a characteristic is PUBLIC within a project, with a namespace or without namespace, it can be called.
• If [P2#Solution].[TT2#ThingTemplate] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#Component].[TT1{PRIVATE}#ThingTemplate], it will not allow, because if an entity or a characteristic is PRIVATE within a project, with a namespace or without namespace, it can be called/used by any other entity or characteristic within the same project only.
• If [P2[n4.n5.n6]#BuildingBlock].[TS2#ThingShape] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#Component].[TS1{PRIVATE}#ThingShape], it will not allow, because if an entity or a characteristic is PRIVATE within a project, with a namespace or without namespace, it can be called/used by any other entity or characteristic within the same project only.
• If [P1[n1.n2.n3]#Component].[T2{PRIVATE}#Thing].[S1#Service] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#Component].[TT1{PRIVATE}#ThingTemplate], it will allow because it can be called/used by any other entity or characteristic within the same project only.
• If [P2[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[TT2#ThingTemplate].[Prop2{PRIVATE}#Property] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[T1{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Thing].[S1{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Service], it will not allow, because characteristics with PUBLIC access modifier on RESTRICTED Entity are accessible only from allowed namespaces.
• If [P2[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[TT2#ThingTemplate] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[T1{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Thing], it will not allow, because restricted entities and characteristic are accessible only from same project and allowed namespaces.
• If [P1[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[T1{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Thing] is trying to call [P2[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[TT2#ThingTemplate], it will allow, because entity or characteristic with None (PUBLIC) scope can be accessed by anyone.
• If P1[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[T2{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Thing].[Prop2{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Property] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[T1{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Thing].[S1{INTERNAL}#Service], it will not allow, because internal characteristics are accessible only from the entity to which characteristic belongs.
• If [P1[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[T1{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Thing].[Prop1{PRIVATE}#Property] is trying to call [P1[n1.n2.n3]#BuildingBlock].[T1{RESTRICTED[n1.n2]}#Thing].[S1{INTERNAL}#Service], it will be allowed, because internal characteristics are accessible only from the entity to which characteristic belongs.