Restore Your Configuration and Custom Tasks into the Target System
Before you begin importing, perform the following steps:
1. Create the NavigateFileRepository folder at the following location: $<installdir>\ThingWorxStorage\repository\
2. Copy all exported files (created by executing the ExportEntities, ExportDataToFile, and ExportDBEntries services) from the source ThingWorx Navigate version to the location mentioned in step 1.
3. If you have custom tasks, import those custom tasks and their related extensions from the source system.
Now, let’s start restoring your configuration and custom tasks into the target system. The sections that follow provide instructions for performing these steps.
Import All Non-Navigate Entities
Import the XML file for all entities that you exported at the beginning:
1. In ThingWorx Composer, search for DataConfigurationAPI, and then open it. The General Information page opens.
2. Click Services.
3. For
ImportEntities, click

. The
Execute Service: ImportEntities window opens.
4. For Inputs, under fileName enter the name of the file earlier created by executing the ExportEntities service.
5. Click Execute. You can check the generated import logs, for entities details or errors, at this location: $<installdir>\ThingworxStorage\repository\NavigateFileRepository\ImportLogs
Import Your Configurations
Complete the following steps to import your JSON ThingWorx Navigate Configuration file (the one you exported at the beginning):
1. In ThingWorx Composer, search for DataConfigurationAPI, and then open it. The General Information page opens.
2. Click Services.
3. For
ImportDataFromFile, click

. The
Execute Service: ImportDataFromFile window opens.
4. For Inputs, under fileName enter the name of the file created earlier by executing the ExportDataToFile service.
5. Click Execute. You can check the generated import logs, for entities details or errors, at this location: $<installdir>\ThingworxStorage\repository\NavigateFileRepository\ImportLogs
Import Your Configurations for My Tasks
| This step is only applicable if you are upgrading from ThingWorx Navigate 8.5.x to 9.x. |
Complete the following steps to import your JSON
ThingWorx Navigate configuration file for
My Tasks (the file you exported in
Export the Configuration for My Tasks):
1. In ThingWorx Composer, search for DataConfigurationAPI, and then open it. The General Information page opens.
2. Click Services.
3. For
ImportDBEntries, click

. The
Execute Service: ImportDBEntries window opens.
4. For Inputs, under fileName enter the name of the file earlier created by executing the ExportDBEntries service.
5. Click Execute.
Execute ThingWorx Services
| This step is only applicable if you are upgrading to ThingWorx Navigate 9.3.4. |
1. In ThingWorx Composer, search for DataConfigurationAPI, and then open it. The General Information page opens.
2. Click Services.
3. For
ConvertTailoring, click

. The
Execute Service: ConvertTailoring window opens.
4. For Inputs, under fileName enter the name of the file created earlier by executing the ExportDataToFile service.
5. Click Execute.
Once this service is executed, click the Services tab to find the PopulateDefaultProperties service.
6. For
PopulateDefaultProperties, click

. The
Execute Service: PopulateDefaultProperties window opens.
7. Click Execute.
Restart Your ThingWorx Services
1. Restart Apache Tomcat.
2. Restart ThingWorx Integration Runtime.
Configure Your Custom Task Connector
1. Configure the Integration Connector for your custom tasks. For more information, refer to relevant topic:
2. Ensure that the TWXNavigate:AppMashup tag is added to your custom task’s mashup.
3. Restart Apache Tomcat and ThingWorx Integration Runtime.
Reapply Your Changes to the Deny List
| This step is only applicable if you are upgrading from ThingWorx Navigate 8.5.x to 9.x. |
If you made any changes to the deny list, reapply the changes. See the
Add Attributes to the Deny List topic for more information.
Restart Your ThingWorx Services
1. Restart Apache Tomcat.
2. Restart ThingWorx Integration Runtime.