Common Communication Object Structure
Common Communication Object, also referred to as CCO, is a JSON structure used to manage data transfer within ThingWorx Navigate. In one of its common use cases, it contains data and metadata on one or more instances of the backend system and objects retrieved from those systems.
CCO Structure
Property Name
The version of the CCO structure used.
Property type is string.
The information retrieved from the backend system(s).
Property type is string.
Contains information about the backend system instance from which the data is retrieved.
Name of the adapter Thing that represents the backend system in ThingWorx Navigate.
Property type is string.
Name of the specific instance of the backend system.
Property type is string.
List of items and metadata. Items inside each instance of the list must be of the same object type.
The type of objects in the items array.
Property type is string or object. Can also accept other types when stringified, such as integer or boolean.
List of items, their attributes, and the attribute values.
Value for a specific attribute and item.
Property type is string or an object.
Information regarding attributes, which is common to all items. Items under metadata can have the type string, including the stringified "INTEGER" and "BOOLEAN". They can also have the type object, NAV.OBJECT.
Additional information on the objectType. Only used in rare cases.
Property type is JSON object.
The status of the data retrieval.
Property type is string.
Message regarding the status of the data retrieval.
Property type is string.
Time stamp for the data retrieval.
Property type is string.
Examples of CCO Structure
1. The following example includes one item with one object type.
"label":"Change Request Name",
"timeStamp":" 2019-01-02 06:43:19.77"
2. The following example includes one item with two different object types. Since each items array contains only one object, there is one item.
"label":"Change Request Name",
"value":"Cost Reduction"
"label":"Request Priority",
"timeStamp":" 2019-01-02 06:43:19.77"
3. The following example includes two items with one object type. Since each items array contains two objects, there are two items.
"label":"Change Request Name",
"timeStamp":" 2019-01-02 06:43:19.77"
4. The following example includes two items with two object types. Since each items array contains two objects, there are two items.
"label":"Change Request Name",
"value":"Cost Reduction"
"value":"Cost Reduction"
"label":"Request Priority",
"timeStamp":" 2019-01-02 06:43:19.77"
5. The following example includes different object types, such as "string", the stringified "hyperlink", and NAV.OBJECT.
"timeStamp":"2021-10-18 17:14:05.445",

"Name":"Conduct Online CRB Review"
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