Install and Configure ThingWorx Navigate > Validate the Connection
Validate the Connection
To confirm if the data can be fetched from the Windchill server, open the following URLs, where host and port are the values you entered in the NGINX host name and port number fields while installing ThingWorx Navigate:
ThingWorx Composer: https://<host>:<port>/Thingworx/Composer/index.html
ThingWorx Navigate: https://<host>:<port>/Thingworx/Runtime/index.html?master=PTC.AccessApp.Master&mashup=LandingPageAccessAppMashup
To test the configuration for ThingWorx Navigate follow these steps:
In ThingWorx Composer, go to ptc-windchill-integration-connector, select Services, and execute the Validate Connection service. The following message confirms the successful connection to Windchill Server: Success - 200-OK - WindchillSwaggerConnector.
In ThingWorx Composer, go to ptc-windchill-OData-connector, select Services, and execute the Validate Connection service. The following message confirms the successful connection to Windchill Server: Success - 200-OK - WindchillSwaggerConnector.
In ThingWorx Composer, go to Browse > Flow > Connectors. In the ThingWorx Flow screen that is displayed, click the ellipses next to PTC-Nav-Windchill-Connector and select Test. The following message confirms the successful validation of the connector: Connector validated successfully.
Next Steps
The next required step is to grant permission to non-administrative users. Follow the steps in Modify ThingWorx Permissions: Users and Groups. You can also move on to the optional configurations, such as these:
Connect to SAP
Configure with multiple Windchill systems