Features of ThingWorx Asset Advisor to Use with EMS and LSR
The ThingWorx Asset Advisor application provides file transfer and remote access capabilities through its Asset Remoting Extension. Referred to as Remote Access and Control, this application adds a set of optional features into ThingWorx Composer. These features enable you to upload and download files to a remote asset, and access the asset remotely to interact directly with its software system from Asset Advisor.
In addition, Asset Advisor provides access to the ThingWorx Software Content Management (SCM) Extension that enables you to create file-based packages that can be downloaded to edge devices. Using the SCM and Remote Access and Control features from Asset Advisor with your EMS and LSR devices, you can upload and download files or access an asset remotely to interact directly with its software.
Remote Access and Control Extension
The Remote Access and Control Extension includes the following optional Asset Advisor features, which display on the detail page for an asset in Asset Advisor:
• Remote Access — Displays for EMS Things whose base Thing Templates extend from the RemoteThingWithTunnelsAndFileTransfer Thing Template, or that implement the RemoteAccessible Thing Shape. If you have imported the ThingWorx Remote Access Extension AND the Remote Access and Control Extension for Asset Advisor into your ThingWorx Platform and your EMS Things are based on the RemoteThingWithTunnelsAndFileTransfer Thing Template, your EMS Things should be ready to use Remote Access and Control.
• File Transfer — Displays for EMS Things whose base Thing templates extend from the RemoteThingWithTunnelingAndFileTransfer Thing Template.
• File Transfer History — Displays for EMS Things whose base Thing templates extend from the RemoteThingWithTunnelingAndFileTransfer Thing Template.
ThingWorx Software Content Management (SCM) Extension
The ThingWorx Software Content Management (SCM) Extension allows for the creation of software content and distribution of that software content to a set of target assets in a controlled manner. SCM automates the manually-intensive and error prone process of distributing and installing new software to your assets.
SCM is comprised of the following high-level pieces:
• Package — The software content to be delivered.
• Deployment — A request to the ThingWorx Platform to deliver and (optionally) execute the software content described in a Package to a set of target Assets
• Assets — The edge devices receiving the software content defined in the Package and requested by a Deployment.
The ThingWorx SCM Extension supports the creation of file-based packages for edge devices running the EMS. These devices should be able to use non-administrator application keys and still use SCM, as long as permissions are set up correctly.
What's Next
First, read through the
prerequisites and make sure that your environment and configuration files for EMS and LSR meet the requirements.
Next, a ThingWorx administrator should set the parameters for the subsystems as explained in
Administrator Tasks for Using Remote Access, File Transfers,
and SCM in Asset Advisor.
Depending on which features of Asset Advisor you want to use refer to one of the following sections:
For information on using these features in Asset Advisor, refer to the section,
Asset Advisor in the ThingWorx Apps Help Center.