ThingWorx Remote Access > Querying Audit History for Remote Access
Querying Audit History for Remote Access
To monitor remote access activity, ThingWorx Platform administrators can set up the Audit Subsystem to collect messages of the category, RemoteAccess, and then use the Audit Subsystem services to manage the messages.
Administrators can query audit history for the RemoteAccess category through ThingWorx Composer, using the.QueryAuditHistory service of the Audit Subsystem. Note that this service returns only the "Online" audit history. For details on using this service, refer to the "Searching Audit Data (Queries, Direct Persistence)" topic in the ThingWorx Platform Help Center for your ThingWorx system, available from the ThingWorx Help Centers landing page.
"Offline" audit data for remote sessions is stored in the AuditArchiveFileRepostiory and can be exported using the ExportAuditData service. Depending on the start and end dates that you specify for the export, this export may include both online and offline data. For details about exporting audit data, refer to the "Exporting Online Audit Data:" topicin the ThingWorx Platform Help Center for your ThingWorx version, available from the ThingWorx Help Centers landing page.
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