RemoteAccessible Thing Shape
The RemoteAccessible Thing Shape provides properties, events, and services to remote Things on which the agent is configured for remote access, whether through a Global Access Server (GAS) or directly through ThingWorx TunnelSubsystem. This Thing Shape also provides the ability to persist server version information.
With upgrades to the Remote Access Extension (RAE) v.3.0.0 and Axeda Compatibility Extension (ACE) v.5.0.0, the Axeda.RemoteAccessible Thing Shape is no longer necessary, so it has been migrated into the RAE GASRemoteAccessible Thing Shape. The RemoteAccessible Thing Shape contains the information needed for all remote sessions (GAS and Tunnel) while GASRemoteAccessible contains only the additional information needed for GAS.
The following sections describe the properties, services, and events of the RemoteAccessible Thing Shape. Click the section title to display its content. Click the title again to hide the content.
The RemoteAccessible Thing Shape adds the providerName property to any Thing that implements it. This property specifies the RemoteAccessProvider for a Thing and has a base type of THINGNAME. Its aspects include:
dataChangeType — The setting, VALUE, means that this property is written to when the value changes.
isPersistent — The setting, true, means that the property value is stored in the database.
thingShape — The setting, RemoteAccessProvider, means that this Thing Shape inherits the services of the RemoteAccessProvider Thing Shape.
The RemoteAccessible Thing Shape also provides the ability to persist remote server version information with the remoteServerConfiguration property. This property has a base type of INFOTABLE. It contains the remote server's endpoints configuration for the Thing. For example:

The aspects for this property include:
dataChangeType — The setting, VALUE, means that this property is written to when the value changes.
isPersistent — The setting, true, means that the property value is stored in the database.
dataShape — The setting, RemoteServerConfiguration, means that this Thing Shape inherits the properties of the RemoteServerConfiguration Data Shape.
The RemoteAccessible Thing Shape provides the following services that can be run against a Thing that implements this Thing Shape:
Service Name
Tells the platform to prepare a remote session for this Thing and passes in the parameters for the session that will be started. The result of this service is the unique identifier of the session that is created. The base type of the result is GUID.
REQUIRED. parameters, of base type INFOTABLE, which implements the RemoteSessionParameters Data Shape.
Terminates the session associated with the provided session identifier.
REQUIRED. sessionId, which is he unique identifier (ID) of the session that is to be terminated. The base type of this parameter is GUID.
Retrieves the session that matches the specified sessionId for this Thing. The result of this service is the information about the remote session that matches the given session ID, returned as an INFOTABLE. The result implements the RemoteSession Data Shape..
REQUIRED. sessionID. which is the unique identifier of the session whose information you want to retrieve.
Returns all current remote sessions on this RemoteAccessible Thing. It does not return past remote sessions or sessions that have failed. If a remote session has failed, then it was terminated. Terminated sessions are removed from the storage of the Remote Access Subsystem The result is an INFOTABLE of the remote sessions for this Thing.
Called when the session for this Thing is updated. The isAllowOverride setting for this service is true. As of v.3.1.0 of the RAE, this service calls ConnectToSession with the session and GAS configuration information.
If a CLOSE_REQUESTED status change is detected for a remote session, this service will call the EndSesssion service. The service on this generic RemoteAccessible Thing Shape calls the service for ThingWorxInternalRemoteAccessProvider sessions only. The GASRemoteAccessible Thing Shape calls this service for sessions created through the GASRemoteAccessProvider Thing.
REQUIRED. sessionEvent, which contains the information for the session that has been updated, inherited from the RemoteSessionEvent Data Shape.
Assigns remote endpoints to this Thing. Its result is of base type INFOTABLE, which contains values for the properties of the RemoteEndpoint Data Shape.
REQUIRED. endpoints of base type INFOTABLE, which implements the RemoteEndpoint Data Shape.
Updates the property row in the INFOTABLE of the Thing Shape, using each endpointName as the key. This service also sets the configuration for the remote server. No result is returned.
REQUIRED: endpointName (a STRING) and serverConfiguration (base type JSON).
Retrieves the remote server configuration for the specified endpoint for this Thing. The result is JSON-formatted configuration information.
REQUIRED: endpointName (a STRING)
Event Definitions 
The RemoteAccessible Thing Shape contains the following event definitions:
This event is fired when a remote session for this Thing is completed.
This event is recorded in the Audit Subsystem of ThingWorx Platform. The Audit category for this event is RemoteAccess. To search for SessionCreated events, specify the Audit category, REMOTE_ACCESS. The Audit message key is audit.rae.SessionCompleted.
This event is fired when a session for this Thing is created.
This event is recorded in the Audit Subsystem of ThingWorx Platform.. The Audit category for this event is RemoteAccess. To search for SessionCreated events, specify the Audit category, REMOTE_ACCESS. The Audit message key is audit.rae.SessionCreated.
For more information, see the "Audit Subsystem" section in the ThingWorx Platform Help Center for your ThingWorx version, available from the ThingWorx Help Centers landing page.
This event is fired when a session for this Thing is updated. This event is not recorded in the Audit Subsystem.
The Data Shape that defines the event is the RemoteSessionEvent Data Shape.
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