RemoteServerConfiguration Data Shape
The RemoteServerConfiguration Data Shape contains the configuration on the remote server application portion of a remote endpoint. For example, Axeda Desktop Server is the remote server application for a Desktop type of remote endpoint (or "remote interface"). This configuration data is used to assist in matching the correct version of a remote viewer for an established remote session. For Axeda Desktop Server, the remote viewer is the same version of Axeda Desktop Viewer. For example, if the Desktop Server is v.6.9.2, Build 15, the matching version of Desktop Viewer is 6.9.2, Build 15. The version is represented as a 5-digit number in the name of the application executable file; for the example, the file name for Axeda Desktop Viewer is AxedaDesktopviewer_v69215.exe.
This Data Shape contains the following field definitions:
• endpointName — The name of the remote endpoint for which this server configuration applies.
• serverConfiguration — Configuration data for the remote server that is configured for a Thing (JSON format). In addition, refer to the topic,
Axeda Desktop Viewer Support.