AxedaPollingTimer Thing
The AxedaPollingTimer Thing is a polling-based Asset timer that is used to determine if a device is reporting (and to set the isReporting property for the device Thing to true). By default this Thing is enabled after you import the ACE and is derived from the ThingWorx Timer Thing Template. This Thing runs as the eMessageConnector user.
For all polling devices, reporting evaluation occurs:
When the device contacts the platform, more specifically on bind events, in which case a device will be considered reporting
On a timed interval with a default of evaluating once every five minutes, in which case a device may be considered not reporting if it fails to meet the missed pings and missed time criteria. To change the value of the timed interval, log in to ThingWorx Composer, go to the AxedaPollingTimer Thing, and under Configuration adjust the updateRate.
The AxedaPollingTimer Thing runs as the eMessageConnector user that you set in the runAsUser property of the timer Thing. To ensure that this property has the correct eMessage Connector user, you MUST run the GrantEMessageConnectorPermissions service of the eMessageServices Thing, whether the eMessage Connector user is a non-administrative user (recommended) or an Administrator (not recommended). For instructions on running the service, refer to Setting Up Permissions and Visibility for the eMessage Connector.
The following table lists and briefly describes the properties of the AxedaPollingTimer. Note that none of these properties are migrated from Axeda Platform.
Base Type
By default, this property is set to true so that the timer is enabled automatically on startup.
The user context in which to run event handlers. By default, the user context is set to "System". You need to create a non-admin user that you can use just for this context.
The rate at which the timer is updated. The default value is 300,000 milliseconds (five minutes).
It is good practice to make a few adjustments to this Thing after installing the ACE:
1. If all of your devices do not ping frequently, reduce the updateRate to reduce system load.
2. If "some" of your devices have different expected ping rates, create additional Timers.
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