Search for and select PTC.Factory.CommonTagPicker.
Select Modal Popup.
Enter a localization token representing the title for the tag picker window. If this property is not specified, the tag picker title displays as ???.
Leave this field blank. (This is the name of the Thing where the tag is coming from. This value is filled in when the user selects a value in the Equipment drop-down list.)
Select this checkbox for the tags and properties selected in the tag picker to bind to the target Thing when the user clicks OK.
Determine what displays for the Equipment Type field on the tag picker:
Provides an additional filter for the Equipment Type drop-down list. If this field left empty, all available equipment types display for the Equipment Type drop-down list. If you want to limit display to a single type, enter the equipment type name, for example, Asset. This value is case-insensitive.
Determine what displays for the Equipment field on the tag picker:
If left blank, all available equipment for the selected Equipment Type displays in the Equipment list. If you want to limit Equipment to only certain equipment, enter a regular expression. This value is case-insensitive. This property filters on the Name of the Thing as shown in ThingWorx Composer, rather than filtering on its display name.
Determine whether users can select a single tag or property on the tag picker, or can select multiple tags or properties:
Select to enable multi-selection on the tag picker, and to make the Apply button visible.
Optionally enter a message to display next to the Equipment drop-down list. For example, Select up to 5.
Determine the data types of tags or properties to display on the tag picker:
A semi-colon separated list of the types (ThingWorx base types) of tags or properties that can be selected. If left empty, then all types of tags or properties display. For example, to show only string and Boolean properties, enter STRING;BOOLEAN.