Paging Widget
Use the Paging widget to split items into groups and to alternate between the display of the groups. For example, when splitting 95 items into groups of 10, the first group contains items 1 to 10, the next group items 11 to 20, and so on.
In ThingWorx Apps, the widget is used to paginate the list of assets displayed on the Asset Advisor main page (PTC.SCA.SCO.AssetMonitor.AssetList.ListMashup). This implementation can be referenced as an example.
Relevant Paging Widget Properties
The following widget properties are available on the Properties tab, under Bindings:
• Input properties:
◦ CurrentPage—Specifies the page to display when loading the mashup. The default value is 0, resulting in the first page being displayed.
◦ ItemsLabel—Specifies the text shown in front of the clickable page numbers. The default value is "Pages". This value can be a string or a localization token name.
◦ PageSize—Specifies the number of items in a page. This value cannot be 0.
◦ TotalItems—Total number of items.
• Output property:
◦ PageNumber—The index of the currently selected page selected.