Excluding Property Base Types when Exporting Equipment
When exporting equipment data from the Equipment tab of Configuration and Setup, properties with a base type of IMAGE, BLOB, PASSWORD, XML, and DASHBOARDNAME are excluded by default.
To customize the list of excluded property base types from export:
1. In ThingWorx Composer, open the PTC.SCA.SCO.Common.ImportExportEquipmentUtils Thing.
2. Under
Services, find
GetExcludedPropertyBaseTypes, and click
to override the service.
3. In the Javascript pane, add the base type that you want to exclude from export to the list of base types, enclosed in single quotes. For example, the following code adds the INFOTABLE base type to the list of excluded base types:
4. Click Done to save the change to the service.
5. Click Save to save the Thing.
Properties with the INFOTABLE base type are now also excluded from the spreadsheet when equipment is exported.