Comparing Your Customized Mashups with the Default Application Mashups
After changing the launch point settings in the launch point configuration Thing (PTC.Factory.C_LaunchPointConfigurationThing_[ReleaseVersion]) to point to customized mashups, you can compare your customized mashups with the default application mashups.
To see the default application:
1. In ThingWorx Composer, navigate to the launch point configuration Thing (PTC.Factory.C_LaunchPointConfigurationThing_[ReleaseVersion]).
2. Under Properties and Alerts, change the value of the Enabled property to false.
3. Click Save.
4. Refresh your browser. The default ThingWorx Apps application now displays.
5. Change the Enabled property back to true to return to your customized version.
You can also open the non-release-specific launch point configuration Thing (PTC.Factory.LaunchPointConfigurationThing) to see the default configuration settings there. However, be sure to use only the release-specific launch point configuration Thing (PTC.Factory.C_LaunchPointConfigurationThing_[ReleaseVersion]) for customization.