Changing the TagCountAboveLimit Alert Default
When a KEPServerEX server is connected for the first time, a TagCountAboveLimit alert is automatically created for the server. This alert is triggered when the number of tags being monitored on the server exceeds the specified limit, potentially impacting the server performance. The default limit for this alert is 10,000. Users with the Controls Engineer, Maintenance Manager, and Maintenance Engineer roles can view and edit this alert definition in the Alerts tab of Configuration and Setup. Administrators can change the default limit setting in ThingWorx Composer.
To change the default limit for this alert:
1. Open the PTC.Factory.C_LaunchPointConfigurationThing_[ReleaseVersion] in ThingWorx Composer.
2. In Configuration, find the AlertCustomizableSettings table, and enter a new value for defaultTagCountAboveLimit.
3. Click Save.
The new limit is applied to TagCountAboveLimit alerts for servers created and connected after the default limit has been changed. The TagCountAboveLimit alerts for any existing connected servers remain unchanged.