Work Definition Management Thing Shape Services
The following services are found on the work definition management Thing Shape (PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionManagementThingShape):
Creation Services
When creating any object that is part of the Operator Advisor data model, the UID value is automatically generated by the system. Any value you enter in the UID field is ignored.
CreateExternalSystems—Creates one or more external systems based on information added to the ExternalSystems input parameter table. Returns the list of external systems that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: ExternalSystems (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponses—Creates one or more work definition control characteristic responses based on information added to the WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponses input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition control characteristic responses that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponses (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristics—Creates one or more work definition control characteristics based on information added to the WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristics input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition control characteristics that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristics (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionIllustrations—Creates one or more work definition illustrations based on information added to the WorkDefinitionIllustrations input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition illustrations that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionIllustrations (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionLinks—Creates one or more work definition links based on information added to the WorkDefinitionLinks input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition links that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionLinks (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstances—Creates one or more work definition material specification instances based on information added to the WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstances input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition material specification instances that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstances (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationLinks—Creates links based on information added to the WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationLinks input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition material specification links that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationLinks (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecifications—Creates one or more work definition material specifications based on information added to the WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecifications input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition material specifications that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecifications (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionMetadatas—Creates one or more work definition metadata entries based on information added to the WorkDefinitionMetadatas input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition metadata entries that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMetadatas (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionPersonnelSpecifications—Creates one or more work definition personnel specifications based on information added to the WorkDefinitionPersonnelSpecifications input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition personnel specifications that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionPersonnelSpecifications (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecifications—Creates one or more work definition processing resource specifications based on information added to the WorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecifications input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition processing resource specifications that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecifications (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitionRelatedDocuments—Creates one or more work definition-related documents based on information added to the WorkDefinitionRelatedDocuments input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition-related documents that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionRelatedDocuments (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
CreateWorkDefinitions—Creates one or more work definitions based on information added to the WorkDefinitions input parameter table. Returns the list of work definitions that were created, along with their UIDs.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitions (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
Deletion Services
DeleteExternalSystem—Deletes the external system with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinition—Deletes the work definition with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristic—Deletes the work definition control characteristic with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponse—Deletes the work definition control characteristic response with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionIllustration—Deletes the work definition illustration with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionLink—Deletes the work definition link with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecification—Deletes the work definition material specification with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstance—Deletes the work definition material specification instance with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationLink—Deletes the work definition material specification links with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionMetadata—Deletes the work definition metadata entry with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionPersonnelSpecification—Deletes the work definition personnel specification with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecification—Deletes the work definition processing resource specification with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
DeleteWorkDefinitionReleatedDocument—Deletes the work definition-related document with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
Read Services
GetExternalSystem—Retrieves the external system with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetExternalSystems—Retrieves a list of all external systems. A filter can be applied with an offset and limit to narrow the list of returned results.
• Input parameters:
◦ filter (STRING)
◦ offset (INTEGER)
◦ limit (INTEGER)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetReferencingJobOrderWorkDefinitionLink—Retrieves the job-order-to-work-definition-link, if any, for the specified work definition UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinition—Retrieves the work definition with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponses—Retrieves a list of all work definition control characteristic responses associated to the work definition control characteristic with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE—PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponse Data Shape)
GetWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristics—Retrieves a list of all work definition control characteristics associated to the work definition with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionExecutionLog—Retrieves execution status change log for the specified work definition.
• Input parameters:
◦ WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: An infotable of the PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionExecutionStatusHistory Data Shape (INFOTABLE); format:
"TimeStamp", "StateUID", "StateName", "UserName"
GetWorkDefinitionExecutionSummary—Retrieves the execution status summary for the specified work definition with the total time spent in every execution state in seconds. The current state time is calculated only if the specified inclusion flag is 'true'.
• Input parameters:
◦ WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
◦ IncludeCurrentStatus (BOOLEAN)—Defaults to false.
• Output: An infotable of the PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionExecutionStatusSummary Data Shape (INFOTABLE); format:
"StateUID", "StateName", "TotalTime"
GetWorkDefinitionIllustrations—Retrieves a list of all work definition illustrations with the specified work definition UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: An infotable of the PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitioExecutionStatusHistory Data Shape (INFOTABLE); format:
"TimeStamp", "StateUID", "StateName", "UserName"
GetWorkDefinitionLinks—Retrieves a list of all work definition links with the specified parent UID.
• Input parameters: ParentUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecification—Retrieves the work definition material specification with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstance—Retrieves the work definition material specification instance with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstances—Retrieves a list of all work definition material specification instances with the specified work definition material specification UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationLinks—Retrieves a list of all work definition material specification links with the specified parent UID.
• Input parameters: ParentUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecifications—Retrieves a list of all work definition material specifications with the specified work definition UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionMetadata—Retrieves the work definition metadata entry with the specified UID.
• Input parameters: UID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionMetadatas—Retrieves a list of all work definition metadata entries. A filter can be applied with an offset and limit to narrow the list of returned results.
• Input parameters:
◦ filter (STRING)
◦ offset (INTEGER)
◦ limit (INTEGER)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionPersonnelSpecifications—Retrieves a list of all work definition personnel specifications with the specified work definition UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecifications—Retrieves a list of all work definition processing resource specifications with the specified work definition UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionRelatedDocuments—Retrieves a list of all work definition-related documents with the specified work definition UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitions—Retrieves a list of all work definitions. A filter can be applied with an offset and limit to narrow the list of returned results.
• Input parameters:
◦ filter (STRING)
◦ offset (INTEGER)
◦ limit (INTEGER)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetWorkDefinitionThumbnail—Retrieves the thumbnail image related to the specified work definition UID.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
Update Services
UpdateExternalSystems—Updates one or more external systems by UID, using the information added to the ExternalSystems input parameter table. Returns the list of external systems that were updated.
• Input parameters: ExternalSystems (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponses—Updates one or more work definition control characteristic responses by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponses input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition control characteristic responses that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponses (INFOTABLE—PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicResponse Data Shape)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristics—Updates one or more work definition control characteristics by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristics input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition control characteristics that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristics (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionIllustrations—Updates one or more work definition illustrations by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionIllustrations input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition illustrations that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionIllustrations (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionLinks—Updates one or more work definition links by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionLinks input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition links that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionLinks (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstances—Updates one or more work definition material specification instances by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstances input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition material specification instances that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationInstances (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationLinks—Updates one or more work definition material specification links by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationLinks input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition material specification links that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecificationLinks (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionMaterialSpecifications—Updates one or more work definition material specifications by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecifications input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition material specifications that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMaterialSpecifications (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionMetadatas—Updates one or more work definition metadata entries by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionMetadatas input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition metadata entries that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionMetadatas (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionPersonnelSpecifications—Updates one or more work definition personnel specifications by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionPersonnelSpecifications input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition personnel specifications that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionPersonnelSpecifications (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecifications—Updates one or more work definition processing resource specifications by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecifications input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition processing resource specifications that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecifications (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitionRelatedDocuments—Updates one or more work definition-related documents by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitionRelatedDocuments input parameter table. Returns the list of work definition-related documents that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitionRelatedDocuments (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
UpdateWorkDefinitions—Updates one or more work definitions by UID, using the information added to the WorkDefinitions input parameter table. Returns the list of work definitions that were updated.
• Input parameters: WorkDefinitions (INFOTABLE)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
Miscellaneous and Utility Services
CloneWorkDefinition—Calls all services necessary to clone a specified work definition and all of its related entities. On failure, this service removes any database entities that were created, and any binary files that were added to the file repository.
• Input Parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)—The UID of the work definition to be cloned.
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)—An infotable showing the root work definition of the clone.
CreateWorkDefinitionClone—Not intended for standalone use. Called by CloneWorkDefinition, this service clones the a work definition and all of its related entities. This service does not perform database cleanup on failure.
• Input Parameters: WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)—The UID of the work definition to be cloned.
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)—An infotable showing the root work definition of the clone.
GetChildren—Retrieves a list of all child entities of the specified Data Shape with the specified parent UID. Used internally by other services. Not intended for standalone use.
• Input parameters:
◦ dataShapeName (STRING)
◦ ParentUID (STRING)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)
GetFileType—Retrieves the file type of the specified file based on the file extension. For example, a file with a .gif file extension returns a file type of 2D; a file with a .rtf file extension returns a file type of TEXT. Used internally by other services. Not intended for standalone use.
• Input parameters: FileName (STRING)
• Output: result (JSON)
GetWorkDefinitionDBInfo—Retrieves the database table information related to work definitions, such as database table column names. Used internally by other services. Not intended for standalone use.
• Input parameters: No inputs
• Output: result (JSON)
GetWorkDefinitionRelatedObjects—Retrieves a list of all objects of the specified Data Shape with the specified work definition UID. Used internally by other services. Not intended for standalone use.
• Input parameters:
◦ dataShapeName (STRING)
◦ WorkDefinitionUID (STRING)
◦ Filter (JSON)
• Output: result (INFOTABLE)