Customizing the Sort Order for the Sequential Navigation Component
The sequential navigation component displays tiles as a flattened list, one tile for each (child work definition) step in the set of work instructions. By default the SequenceNumber field on each child work definition in the set of work instructions is used for the sort order. As a result, if there are no sequence numbers specified on work definitions, or if there are repeats of a sequence number, then there is no guarantee of a consistent sort order each time the mashup is loaded.
To customize the field used for the sort order, complete the following steps:
1. In ThingWorx Composer, navigate to the default production order manager Thing (PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultProductionOrderManager).
2. Under
Services, click
to override the
GetChildrenWorkDefinitions service.
3. In the script pane, search for the sorts section of the service. Edit the fieldName value to use the desired field for sorting.
4. Click Save and Continue to save the service.
5. Click Save to save the Thing.