Activities Landing Page
Launch the
Activities screen by clicking the
Activities tile on the
shift and crew hub overview page.
From the
Activities page, you can
edit, and
delete activities. You can also search for activities by any value displayed in the table, or sort the activities list by any column in the table. Click the back arrow (
) to return to the shift and crew hub overview page.
Mashups and Widgets
The PTC.SCA.SCO.ActivityLandingPage mashup defines the Activities landing page screen. This mashup uses the following widgets:
• Button widgets are used for the Create, Edit, and Delete buttons. Each of these Button widgets is bound to a Navigation widget that launches the appropriate mashup when the button is clicked.
• A Label widget is used for the Activities page heading.
• The Infotable Selector widget determines whether the Edit and Delete buttons are active or inactive. The buttons are active only when a row is selected in the table.
• The Grid Advanced widget defines the table that displays the activity information.
The mashup uses the following services from the PTC.SCA.SCO.ShiftManagementUtils Thing:
• GetFilteredWorkActivities—Returns the list of activities, filtered by the value entered in the search field.
• GetWorkActivities—Returns the list of all activities.