General Information
On the General Information screen, you can do the following:
Upload an image to depict the piece of equipment.
1. Click Choose File, then select an image file.
2. Click Upload to display the image, then click Save.
The uploaded image is used in the Asset Advisor, where the image size shown is 180 x 180 pixels, and in the Production KPIs, where the image size shown is 330 x 330 pixels. If the image uploaded is larger than the image size shown, it is scaled down in locked aspect ratio based on the larger dimension, resulting in a margin on the lesser dimension. If the image uploaded is smaller than the image size shown, it is not scaled up, resulting in margins on the appropriate dimensions.
Enter a description, the equipment’s model and serial number, and location. The Name field is not editable.
Click Save to save your information before navigating to another page.
If you navigate away from the page without saving, the data is lost.
General Information page
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