Servigistics InService Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > TAL Overview > Transform Aggregation and Load (TAL) Components
Transform Aggregation and Load (TAL) Components
In Servigistics InService, various business objects are loaded into the system in the form of XML, PDF, or image files. Usually PDF and XML files, which are intended to be indexed by Servigistics InService are stored in the Servigistics InService repository. Non-indexed content, such as images, is usually stored on the file system.
To efficiently use the system, you need to understand structure of data in the source bundle and identify how this need to be stored in Servigistics InService. Once you identify how the data needs to be stored, you can use the transform process to convert raw data from the bundle into Servigistics InService specific data.
Once the transform completes, load specific flows are triggered that consume the transformed content present in the DCTM_Output folder (located in the Servigistics InService work area) and loads them into the Servigistics InService repository.
This process is done on the Publisher server. That server contains the following components:
Assets Definitions
View Stylesheets
CSS Definition
Template Definition
Publication Script Definitions
Configuration Files
TAL Flows
Transformation specific view stylesheets
The following topics provide detailed descriptions of these components.