Servigistics InService Customization > Customizing the Servigistics InService User Interface > Configuring Callout Highlighting
Configuring Callout Highlighting
You can configure the color used for highlighting callouts in Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) files created by any third-party illustration tools. This configuration information is used by the Servigistics InService viewer.
To configure the color of the callout highlighting in SVG files, you must define or modify the property in the file located in the directory <INS_HOME>/ InS_SW/SW/Applications/Windchill.ear/codebase.war/com/ptc/sc/xconf.
This property is already initialized in the default configuration. Following is the default entry in the property:
<Property name=""
default="rgb(102,153,255)" overridable="true"/>
Unless configured otherwise, Servigistics InService uses the default configuration.
Protocol for Property Configuration in Servigistics InService SVG Files
A configuration protocol is present for Servigistics InService to recognize how different SVG files represent the callout-highlighting color configuration.
The following format is an example of how the protocol works:
For an entry, the following rules apply:
<attribute_name> is required and must be set to rgb.
<attribute_value} is required and corresponds to the RGB value of the color you want to use.
For example, if you want to highlight callouts for a SVG file in blue, you can set the value of the property to "rgb(102,153,255)", where rgb is the attribute name and 102,153,255 is the RGB value of the color blue.