Servigistics InService 自訂 > 自訂語言與地區設定 > 自訂 Servigistics InService 產品語言 > 在 Servigistics InService 中自訂語言 > 針對語言部署自訂已中斷連線的系統安裝程式 > 建立自訂的已中斷連線安裝程式來部署語言 > 部署語言自訂的範例指令集
REM Stop the InService server before unzipping the packet
REM %cd% gives you the Windchill.ear location.
REM The other paths can be relatively calculated.
echo "start deploying the customization package" >> %cd%\customSetup.log
set original=%cd%
REM Stopping the server.
cd %cd%\..\..\
echo "Stop the server..." >> %original%\customSetup.log
call stopServer.bat >> %original%\customSetup.log
echo "Stopped the server ..." >> %original%\customSetup.log
REM unzip the zip into WT_HOME
REM use %~dp0 gives the full path of setup.bat
echo "Deploy the package " >> %original%\customSetup.log
echo >> %original%\customSetup.log
cd %original%
%cd%\..\..\System\Java\bin\jar xvf
>> %original%\customSetup.log
REM Starting the server..
echo "Restart the server..." >> %original%\customSetup.log
cd %cd%\..\..\
call startServer.bat >> %original%\customSetup.log
echo "End deploying the customization package" >> %original%\customSetup.log