Servigistics InService Upgrade > Update Servigistics InService 6.4 to Servigistics InService 6.5 > Post Update Steps > Run the Deploy Collection or Deploy Assets Task
Run the Deploy Collection or Deploy Assets Task
Which task you run next (Deploy Collection or Deploy Assets task depends on which Servigistics InService release you are upgrading from. Follow the procedure that matches that upgrade that you are performing.
Upgrade Scenario 1 – Upgrading from Servigistics InService 6.4 F000, 6.4 F000 CPS01 or 6.4 F000 CPS02
Upgrade Scenario 2 – Upgrading from Servigistics InService 6.4 F000 CPS03 and later
Upgrade Scenario 1 – Upgrading from Servigistics InService 6.4 F000, 6.4 F000 CPS01 or 6.4 F000 CPS02
1. Run the Deploy Collection task for each Segment with the Reset Index option selected. The input parameters are described below.
Run the Deploy Collection task for each Site Group that has loaded data in sites.
Collection Name
The Name of first collection related to segment you wish to update. If needed you can extract it from <InS.Config.Home>/System/Config/PublicationsList.xml
Define from Profile
The profile of the segment you prepared concatenation of : ‘ASSETS _’ and Value/@SegmentId
Site Groups
Name of default Site Group.
Collection Target Type
Let the system decide.
Reset index
You must check this check box to reset current indexes in this segment and index them again.
Upgrade Scenario 2 – Upgrading from Servigistics InService 6.4 F000 CPS03 and later
1. Run the DeployAssets task. The input parameters are described below.
Run the DeployAssets task for each Site Group that has loaded data in sites.
For example: In case of a split environment with Preview and Runtime Site Groups. Preview site has no data loaded only Runtime site/s has loaded data. In such case, “DeployAssets” task is relevant only for Runtime Site Group. This task triggers DeployCollection tasks one per segment with segment level profile. DeployCollection task deploy new Assets to sites and re-index changed types.
Site Groups
Name of default Site Group.
Deploy in one Task
This flag is used to indicate if all segments should be exposed to user simultaneously. If true, assets are deployed to all segments in "One Task" using multi repository deployment mechanism, hence all segments are exposed together. If false, assets are deployed to each segment in a separate task and end user repository expose takes place independently.
Force Re-Index
Determines if re-indexing is required. The default value is False. The framework is optimized to do re-indexing of only changed types, so in general you do not need to change the default value.
You should only change setting to True when you want to force re-index all types irrespective of if it was changed or not. However, this is not recommended.
Pause before end user expose
Determines whether to o pause the task before end user repository expose.
True = Task will pause just before repository expose.
False = Task will not pause.