Servigistics InService Publishing and Loading > Using Publishing and Loading > TAL Configuration > Configuring Organization Name Mapping
Configuring Organization Name Mapping
Organization names are used to create persistent IDs for various object types. To improve performance and reduce the memory space required when storing the object IDs in the repository, you should reduce the length of the persistent ID string. You do this in a mapping file named orgname-mapping.xml. This file is used to map source organization names to a shorter unique string. It is recommended that you provide short notations or abbreviations for any organization name. For example, if organization name is “XYZ Infrastructures Private Limited”, then this can be represented as “XYZ” or “XYZIPL”.
The configuration file is located at INSERVICE_CONFIG/Applications/DataProcess/Config/Common/Templates/OrgNameMapping/orgname-mapping.xml.
Following is an example of the file:

<org name="Parametric Technology Corporation" val="PTC"/>
<org name="XYZ Infrastructures Private Limited" val="XYZ"/>
You must map organization names prior to running the TAL process for a bundle containing that organization’s data.