Configuring Publishing Rules
Publishing rules are managed in the Visualization Configuration Administration utility under WindchillUtilities. Publishing rules can be updated to customize the published output.
A property needs to be set in the file, so the system knows the correct publishing rule to use when publishing the WTPart subtype that is used to represent a product hierarchy. Add the following property to the WINDCHILL_HOME/codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ file:
publish.cadconvert.wt.part.WTPart|com.EXAMPLE.PHBase|com.EXAMPLE.PHRoot.SIS=com.ptc.arbortext.windchill.publisher.CadConvertSIS,useworkerdownload\=$(wt.home)$(wvs.dir.sep),types\=BUNDLE ,defaulttype\=BUNDLE
Replace EXAMPLE and BUNDLE with the appropriate setting for your organization.