This configuration file affects the information type written to the associated .XMD files during the Transform process. This means the mapping must be done prior to running the TAL process for the full bundle and cannot be changed later for an incremental bundle publish and load. In this case, the changes to the file will not affect the bundles that have already been processed.
The root element containing multiple mapping elements.
Contains a single mapping entry for a SIM type.
Any new supported type requires a new mapping element be defined in this file.
• type attribute – holds the SIM type (as present in bundle)
• informationType attribute – holds the information type value to be displayed in the Servigistics InService interface
• publicationType attribute – holds the publication type value
This attribute is required only if the informationType is of type Publication.
Contains the source type name which is present in the bundle XML file for which the respective information or publication type is to be fetched.
Contains the information type value to which the source type maps.
Contains the publication type value to which the source type maps. This attribute is required only if the informationType is a publication type.
This element defines the publication type specific mapping
• target attribute – holds the SIM attribute information from the bundle
• logicalPublicationType attribute – holds the publication type value that will be displayed in the Servigistics InService interface.
Defines the attribute name whose value in the source input file should match the specified value. There can be zero or more criteria elements. All of the criteria must be matched in order to find the respective information or publication type.
In the case where no criteria element is found, the corresponding information/publication type is mapped right away.
Contains multiple token elements.
Contains the attribute name whose value is to be matched in the source input file. The intention behind keeping multiple token elements is to support the case where there are multiple possible attribute names known. A criteria is said to be fulfilled if any of the specified token names is present in the source file and matches the specified value.
Contains the value of the token name to be matched in the source input file.
The value to be used in informationType and publicationType should be in conjunction with what the object type has in facets.xml, so as to be reflected correctly in the user interface.
In relation to the above scenarios, since the output of Equivalence Mapping affects the value emitted to the XMD file, the original Information and Publication Type values in the bundle are still available like any other attribute of the bundle. Potentially, you might want to have that information indexed or used as well.