Servigistics InService Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > Authoring Best Practices
Authoring Best Practices
Refer to the following sections for authoring best practices.
SIM Authoring Best Practices
For best practices using Windchill Service Information Manager to author content for Servigistics InService, refer to the Service Information Management section of the Windchill Help Center.
TAL Authoring Best Practices
Following are the best practices for TAL authoring:
Do not use the “#” character in filenames that are in Servigistics InService bundles.
If a filename contains this character, the transform and load process will fail with the following error:
[ERROR,ProcessActionHandler] Failed node: fetchApplicableFilesForPartsList within flow:getRegistryFromIMANSubFlow_PD , reason #path to a partslist item(The system cannot find the file specified) to a partslist item(The system cannot find the file specified)
Do not use the vertical bar ( | ) character in an APEX property values unless you are using it to represent a logical OR..