Servigistics InService Customization > Customizing System Integrations > Pricing and Availability System Integration
Pricing and Availability System Integration
This section details customizations you can make to display or hide pricing and availability information and recommendation information.
These customizations require familiarity with the windchill shell and propagating properties as well as using the xconfmanager utility. For information on these topics see:
Displaying Pricing and Availability Information
To display pricing and availability information, a custom delegate needs to be created as follows:
1. Create a custom Java class that implements the interface.
2. The display of the price is determined by the implementation of below method in custom delegate: public boolean isPricingAutomatic();
If this returns true then price and availability will be retrieved and shown in UI with no user action required. If this returns false then the user must click the content action to get pricing and availability. Pricing and availability can be hidden by toggling the action to off.
3. Add the following entry into the <WT_HOME>/site.xconf file specifying the custom pricing delegate:
<Service context="default" name="
<Option serviceClass="<customDelegateClassName>"
requestor="null" cardinality="duplicate" />
4. From a Windchill command line, run the following command: xconfmanager -pF
5. Restart the Servigistics InService server.
For more information, see the PricingDelegate Javadoc.
Hiding Pricing and Availability Information
To hide pricing and availability information in the UI, disable the custom delegate as follows:
1. Navigate to the <WT_Home>\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\codebase.war\com\ptc\sc\xconf\ directory. Open the file.
2. Search for ‘DemoPricingDelegate’ and comment out the section as shown below.
<Service context="default" name="
<Option serviceClass=""
requestor="null" cardinality="duplicate" />
3. Save and close file.
4. From a Windchill command line, run the following command: xconfmanager -pF
5. Restart the Servigistics InService server.
Displaying Recommendation Information
To display recommendation information, a custom delegate needs to be created as follows:
1. Create a directory to put a custom Java class that implements, which can be found in the <WT_Home>\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\codebase.war\com\ptc\sc\services\plugins directory.
2. Create a custom java class that implements the interface.
3. Add the following entry into the \InService\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\site.xconf file specifying the custom recommendation delegate.
<Service context="default" name"
<Option serviceClass="<customDelegateClassName>"
cardinality="duplicate" />
4. Save and close site.xconf file.
5. From a Windchill command line, run the following command: xconfmanager -pF
6. Restart the Servigistics InService server.
Hiding Recommendation Information
To hide recommendation information from the UI, disable the demo recommendation delegate as follow:
1. Navigate to the <WT_Home>\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\codebase.war\com\ptc\sc\xconf\ directory. Open the file.
2. Search for ‘DemoRecommendationDelegate’ and comment out the section as shown below:
<Service context="default" name"
<Option serviceClass="<customDelegateClassName>"
cardinality="duplicate" />
3. Save and close file.
4. From a Windchill command line, run the following command: xconfmanager -pF
5. Restart the Servigistics InService server.