Servigistics InService Customization > Customizing the Login Page for InService > Configuring Authentication in Servigistics InService > Configuring Alternative Authentication in Servigistics InService > Form-based Authentication > Servigistics InService Configuration Steps
Servigistics InService Configuration Steps
After your form-based authentication solution is ready for use, complete the following configuration steps:
1. Determine if constraints should be removed from Servigistics InService web server. See Web Server Configuration Update to Remove Constraints for more information.
2. Determine if custom filter is required to provide user name to Servigistics InService. See Configure Custom Authentication Filter for more information.
3. Configure Servigistics InService properties to use the form-based authentication solution:
Set wt.auth.form.enabled property in to true
Set wt.auth.form.loginMarker property in to a unique string that login form will contain.
Set wt.auth.form.loginSuccessMarker property in to a unique string that successful login response of login form will contain.
Set wt.logout.url property in to the URL you want used with the form-based authentication solution to perform a logout for the current authentication session. The default URL is the Servigistics InService base URL. Using the default URL assumes that the log off consists of terminating the servlet session. Depending on the form-based authentication solution you have implemented, you may need different logout actions which then would require a different URL.
Set wt.auth.form.submitUrl property in to the URL you want used for submitting the login form.
4. For additional details, see Servigistics InService Property Changes.