Migration or Import
The following occur during migration or import:
Migrates the selected and validated items as reviewed by the user in the Validation Results screen.
Migrates in the order of dependencies, ensuring that an item is migrated only once, irrespective of whether it has multiple references:
For example, if an SFM Transaction which is selected directly is also included as a dependent item for an SFM Wizard, migrates it only once.
However, establishes the appropriate association in the target org, wherever there is a reference.
Establishes the appropriate association to the standard items already existing in the target org if any standard items are included by reference, .
Merges available translations for all supported languages implicitly for SFM transactions, SFM Wizards, SFM Searches and Inventory processes. Any existing translations in the target org for migrated processes are overwritten.
For ServiceMax Configuration profiles:
Migrates the profiles that do not exist in the target org with status as ‘Inactive’.
Migrates the associated Salesforce Profile, if available when a ServiceMax Configuration profile is migrated.
Overwrites the profiles that exist in the target org with the same name. Their status is left unchanged.
Migrates custom modules, submodules, and configuration settings. If the custom module, submodule or configuration setting have the same id in both source and target orgs, then it is overwritten. Other custom entities are left unchanged in the target configuration profile.
When an org-wide ServiceMax Configuration profile is migrated, the following settings (which refer to API field names) are also migrated automatically.
Settings related to Field updates in Dispatch Console (under Dispatch Management module and Dispatch Console Flex submodule.
Settings related to Service Report in iPad app (under ServiceMax iPad Client module and Service Report submodule).
Migrates the SFM View and Standalone create processes assigned to the selected configuration profile when migrating SFM Mobile Permissions.
Migrates configuration profiles assignments for the selected items when migrating SFM Wizards and SFM Searches, provided the configuration profile already exists in the target org.
Migrates the configuration profiles assignments for the selected items When migrating Timesheets, provided the configuration profile already exists in the target org.
When migrating Checklists, response sets, tags, and questions if already exist in the target org, then they are overwritten in the target org.
Configuration profile is migrated as a dependent item if not found in the target org while migrating SFM Mobile Permission and Mobile Configuration.
When migrating SPM, object mappings, and expressions if already exist in the target org, then they are overwritten in the target org.
After migration, sends migration status email to the target org user, with migration summary in the email and details in the attachments.
Creates a ServiceMax Job record, capturing the details of migration:
Attaches the status log file to the record
Attaches the file containing the details of all the migrated items, including dependent items, to the record
If there is any error/exception during migration, aborts the migration:
Sends status email with log file and migrated items file, capturing all the details up to the error / exception and including the actual error message / exception / warnings, if any.
Attaches the status log file and the migration items file to the ServiceMax Job record.
Items migrated to target org till the point of error/exception are not rolled back.
Visibility field is updated to All Users during migration. This is to enable Salesforce Files implementation.
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