Validation is not performed when you run the svmxc:deploy command.
Command Options / Arguments
$ sf svmxc deploy -o <value> [--json] [-n <value>] [-p <value>] [-t <value>] [-f] [-c <value>] [-a <value>]
Specifies the ServiceMax Core configuration types to deploy.
Specifies the Developer names of the ServiceMax Core configurations to be retrieved from the Salesforce org.
Specifies the configuration file.
Specifies the Salesforce org’s apiversion.
Specifies that the configurations should be overwritten.
Specifies the path of the stored configuration JSON files to deploy.
Specifies the org username or the alias for the target org. This value overrides the default target org.
Specifies that the output format is JSON.
svmxc deploy
Used to deploy all the available configurations.
sf svmxc deploy -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy -o user@salesforce.com -f
sf svmxc deploy -o user@salesforce.com -t Expression,Mapping
sf svmxc deploy checklist
Used to deploy checklists.
sf svmxc deploy checklist -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy checklist -o user@salesforce.com -f
sf svmxc deploy dvr
Used to deploy data validation rules.
sf svmxc deploy dvr -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy dvr -o user@salesforce.com -f
sf svmxc deploy opdoc
Used to deploy output documents.
sf svmxc deploy opdoc -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy expression
Used to deploy expressions.
sf svmxc deploy expression -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy expression -o user@salesforce.com -n <DEVELOPER_NAME>
sf svmxc deploy expression -o user@salesforce.com -f -n <DEVELOPER_NAME,...>
sf svmxc deploy mapping
Used to deploy mappings.
sf svmxc deploy mapping -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy transaction
Used to deploy transactions.
sf svmxc deploy transaction -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy wizard
Used to deploy wizards.
sf svmxc deploy wizard -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy inventory
Used to deploy Inventory Process.
sf svmxc deploy inventory -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy inventory -o user@salesforce.com -f
sf svmxc:deploy:transaction/checklist
Used to deploy the transactions and checklist.
sf svmxc deploy transaction/checklist -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy mobilepermission
Used to deploy the Mobile Permissions.
sf svmxc deploy mobilepermission -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy apppermission
Used to deploy the SFW SFM App permissions.
sf svmxc deploy apppermission -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy configprofile
Used to deploy the Configuration Profiles.
sf svmxc deploy configprofile -o user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy mobileconfig
Used to deploy the Mobile Configuration.
sf svmxc deploy mobileconfig -o username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy eventsubjectrule
Used to deploy the Event Subject Rule.
sf svmxc deploy eventsubjectrule -o, username of user@salesforce.co
sf svmxc deploy triggercontrol
Used to deploy the Trigger Controls.
sf svmxc deploy triggercontrol -o,username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy featurepermission
Used to deploy the Feature permission.
sf svmxc deploy featurepermission -o,username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy techattr
Used to deploy the Technical Attributes.
sf svmxc deploy techattr -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy customactions
Used to deploy the Custom Actions.
sf svmxc deploy customactions -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy availableservice
Used to deploy the Available Services.
sf svmxc deploy availableservice -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy territory
Used to deploy the Territory.
sf svmxc deploy territory -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy territoryrule
Used to deploy the Territory Matching Rule.
sf svmxc deploy territoryrule -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy techrule
Used to deploy the Technician Rule.
sfdx svmxc:retrieve:techrule -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy autoentitlement
Used to deploy the Auto Entitlement.
sf svmxc deploy autoentitlement -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy counterrule
Used to deploy the Counter Rules
sf svmxc deploy counterrule -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy spm
Used to deploy the SPM.
sf svmxc deploy spm -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy iotapex
sf svmxc retrieve iotobject
Used to deploy the IOT Map To Apex.
sf svmxc deploy iotapex -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sfdx svmxc:retrieve:iotobject -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy ibsetup
Used to deploy the IB Application Setup.
sf svmxc deploy ibsetup -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy pmplantemplate
Used to deploy the PM Plan Template.
sf svmxc deploy pmplantemplate -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy serviceteam
Used to deploy the Service Team.
sf svmxc deploy serviceteam -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy mttsrule
Used to deploy the MTTS Rule.
sf svmxc deploy mttsrule -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy dispatchprocess
Used to deploy the Dispatch Process.
sf svmxc deploy dispatchprocess -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy timesheet
Used to deploy the Timesheet Process.
sf svmxc deploy timesheet -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy sfa
Used to deploy the Service Flow Automation.
sf svmxc deploy sfa -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy fieldinventory
Used to deploy the Field Inventory.
sf svmxc deploy fieldinventory -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy pmprocess
Used to deploy the PM Process.
sf svmxc deploy pmprocess -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy sfmsearch
Used to deploy the SFM Search.
sf svmxc deploy sfmsearch -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy techrule
Used to deploy the Technician Rule.
sf svmxc deploy techrule -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy slaterms
Used to deploy the SLA Terms.
sf svmxc deploy slaterms -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy eventhoverrule
Used to deploy the Event Hover Rule.
sf svmxc deploy eventhoverrule -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy dcfieldupdate
Used to deploy the DC Field Update.
sf svmxc deploy dcfieldupdate -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy fcoconfig
Used to deploy the FCO Configurations.
sf svmxc deploy fcoconfig -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy translation
Used to deploy the Translations.
sf svmxc deploy translation -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy datalookuprule
Used to deploy the Data Lookup Rule.
sf svmxc deploy datalookuprule -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy timeline
Used to deploy the Timeline.
sf svmxc deploy timeline -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy skillmatchrule
Used to deploy the Skill Match Rule.
sf svmxc deploy skillmatchrule -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy dcview
Used to deploy the DC View.
sf svmxc deploy dcview -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy tasktemplate
Used to deploy the Task Template.
sf svmxc deploy tasktemplate -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy invoiceprocess
Used to deploy the Service Proforma Invoice Process.
sf svmxc deploy invoiceprocess -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy sconinvoiceprocess
Used to deploy the Service Contact Proforma Invoice Process.
sf svmxc deploy sconinvoiceprocess -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy pulse
Used to deploy the Push Notification.
sf svmxc deploy pulse -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy warrantyterms
Used to deploy the Warranty Terms.
sf svmxc deploy warrantyterms -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy activitymaster
Used to deploy the Activity Master.
sf svmxc deploy activitymaster -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy appointmenttype
Used to deploy the Ranked Appointment Booking.
sf svmxc deploy appointmenttype -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy overnightstaypolicy
Used to deploy the Overnight Stay Policy.
sf svmxc deploy overnightstaypolicy -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy dchover
Used to deploy the Dispatch Console Hover.
sf svmxc deploy dchover -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy scheduledsfm
Used to deploy the Scheduled SFM.
sf svmxc deploy scheduledsfm -o, username of user@salesforce.com
sf svmxc deploy serviceplan
Used to deploy the Service Plan.
sf svmxc deploy serviceplan -o, username of user@salesforce.com