QuickBooks Export
QuickBooks is the accounting system of choice for many mid-market customers of ServiceMax. These customers need a quick and easy way to extract completed work orders or other ServiceMax data and import it into QuickBooks to eliminate duplicate data entry, without having to use a full-fledged middleware tool.
The ServiceMax QuickBooks Export feature enables export of work orders and work details that are ready to be billed, in IIF format, which is a proprietary QuickBooks™ format. The exported data can be directly imported into QuickBooks for billing.
The following are the key aspects of this feature:
Provision to define the default org-wide export configuration in a JSON formatted string.
Sample default configuration provided out-of-the-box for cloning and customization.
The following options can be configured in the JSON string:
Header and child objects to be exported, default being Work Order and Work Detail.
Header and child object fields to export.
Filter condition for qualifying header and child records.
Date field to filter header records on.
Header fields to display in the Export screen.
Sort field (ascending order) for records displayed in the Export screen.
Header object fields to update after export; for example, to flag exported records.
The Export page enable users to achieve these capabilities:
Specify a date range on the configured header date field.
View the qualifying header records in the above date range.
Select all or any of these records for export.
Export the selected records and their qualifying child records in IIF format file.
Download the export file or email it to the logged in user.
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