FAQ: Location Tracking
This section contains frequently asked questions related to Location Tracking.
How does Location Tracking work?
In order to use Location Tracking, it must be enabled by your admin in the Mobile Configuration screen, Other Settings tab. After your admin enables it, you must do configuration sync or reset app. Then, you need to enable the Location Tracking in your mobile device.
Once you enable the feature in your mobile device, you don’t need to do anything for this feature to work. Following is what happens automatically:
At the interval configured by your ServiceMax admin, your GPS location information is stored locally by your mobile app as location history records
Once the maximum number of location history records as configured by your ServiceMax admin is reached, app deletes the oldest entries
Location history records are synced to online at the configured interval (if there is connectivity), or whenever data sync happens from your mobile app (aggressive, scheduled, or manual). They are deleted from your mobile app after successful sync
Location history information (latitude & longitude) is stored in User GPS Log object, along with related status, timestamp, and any error messages
If configured by your ServiceMax admin, Current Latitude & Current Longitude fields in your technician record are updated from your latest location history record
Your technician record is the one associated with your Salesforce username.
The information synced to online is used by your dispatcher to know your current location and location history, to schedule appropriate, nearby work orders to you.
If you disable Location Services on your mobile device, when the feature is enabled in online, location history records are created with status as Failure and reason as Blocked by User. - Location tracking is done even when the app is in background (when signed in).
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