Resources > Known Issues/ Limitations > Known Issues/ Limitations: SFM
Known Issues/ Limitations: SFM
Like operator only valid on string field Error Message
When using Like operator on datatypes other than string, the Like operator only valid on string field error message is displayed. Like operator must be used on string datatypes only.
For Example, searching the age of a person by querying age='XYZ' in lookup configuration will lead to an error as number type field is used in the lookup search.
When using SVMX.USERTRUNK literal in Advance Lookup Filters, the "like operator only valid on string field" error is displayed. This is caused by using Like operator on number field instead of string in the lookup configuration.
Workaround: Remove the number field from the configuration so that it works as expected.
Apex limit exceed error when opening Checklist with large number of questions
Maximum of 6K questions can be maintained in QB library. If you are maintaining more than the recommended number of questions in the QB library and get the ‘Apex CPU limit exceeds' error while launching the Checklist Designer, then the only work around is to delete questions from QB library.
SET002 not respected in PM Process
Mapping to a custom task object will not respect SET002. You should configure priority field mapping in the custom SFM mapping for the PM Process.
Handover to Output Document Template is Not Supported
When Select Template At Runtime is enabled for an Output Document process, handover works fine from SFM to stand-alone Output Document process. However, handover to Output Document template is not supported.
Web Services not supported on IE 11
You might experience problems launching Web Services using Internet Explorer version 11, hence, it is recommended that you use a different version of Internet Explorer or a different browser.
Technical Attributes not supported on IE 11
Technical Attributes is not supported on IE 11 browser.
Object and Field Labels, Names, Types, and Permissions
SFM Designer does not work as expected with objects/fields having the same label and/or API Name
SFM Designer displays the objects and fields by their label and the SFM transaction definition is saved in the backend using API Names. Due to technical limitations, the behavior of SFM when displaying/saving SFM transactions with such objects/fields is undefined. Additionally, mobile applications do not support the same label and/or API name for objects and fields. So, always use unique labels and API Names for objects and fields.
Rich Text Area fields are not listed for selection
SFM does not support this field type.
Encrypted Text fields are not listed for selection/cannot be saved in the page layout
SFM does not support this field type.
User's Object and Field permissions are not respected fully
Users with no field-level write access can set the field value through SFM. Users with no object-level access to create/edit/delete records can perform all these operations successfully through SFM.
Users with no field-level access can see the field's value, but any change made to it will not be saved and no error message will be displayed. This happens if the SFM with this field included in the page layout is accessed by the users first and then access to the field is removed for the users' profiles.
Child Line Details are not added when using Lookup Search and Scroll bar
When you are adding a new child line by using the Parts Lookup Search, scrolling the delivery page, and adding the selected part from the Lookup Search, the selected part is not added to the child line. This is a known issue.
Background SFMs not populating fields on page after migration
After migrating the org from Classic to Lightning, the background SFMs do not populate the fields on the page. You must refresh the page to see the updated field values. This is a known Salesforce limitation.
Page Layouts
As part of On Load and On Save optimization, all fields do not need to be part of the Page Layout.
If Data Validation rules are defined on any of the fields in the Header section, then those fields are not required to be added to the Page Layout.
If CURRENTRECORDHEADER literal is mapped to any of the fields in the Header section, then those fields are not required to be added in the Page Layout.
For the below functions, the fields have to be part of the Page Layout:
If Data Validation rules are defined on any of the fields in the Child Line, then those fields should be added in the Page Layout.
If Custom Web Services are defined on any of the fields, then those fields should be added in the Page Layout.
If CURRENTRECORDHEADER literal is mapped to any of the fields in the Child Line, then those fields should be added in the Page Layout.
Lookup Fields
In the SFM layout, the "OwnerId" field only allows lookup to users and not queues. There is no option to select either users or queues in this field.
Blank lookup search - Context and filters not applied on launch
Ensure that global configuration setting SET003 - Suggest recently selected items in lookup search UI (Module: SFM Transaction Manager; Submodule: SFM Transaction Delivery Engine) is set to False. The Recents is an SFM Delivery HTML5 UI feature, that is meant to provide quick access to recently used records without actually executing the search. Context and filters are applied only when the search is executed. If the lookup field is blank, the lookup search is not executed. It is executed only when a keyword is entered, or when the lookup icon is clicked after launching the lookup search dialog box.
Lookup search - Context filter does not work for Checkbox, Date, or DateTime fields
Lookup search context filter supports only text type fields such as text, picklist, and lookup. For other field types, use SVMX.CURRENTRECORD literal as described in section Defining a basic filter.
Lookup Icon in Old Lightning Theme
The Lookup icon is not fully rendered in the Old Lightning Theme.
Value map - SVMX.CURRENTRECORDHEADER literal limitations
The SVMX.CURRENTRECORDHEADER literal can be used only in SFM transactions of type Source To Target Child and Standalone Edit.
Polymorphic Fields
In SFM mapping, the source and target can be a polymorphic field, but the related field of the source field cannot be polymorphic.
Formula Evaluation
Updates to field values based on formulas are always done in the context of an SFM transaction, both on loading the transaction and on saving the transaction. So, the field values may not match, if the values of the fields used in the formula are modified at a later time, using different methods.
For instance, consider the following formula:
If Field1 = Value1, set Field2 = Dependent Value1
If Field1 = Value2, set Field2 = Dependent Value2
If Field1 has an initial value of Value1 and is updated to Value2 through another formula or interactively in the SFM transaction page, the value of Field2 will be calculated as follows:
On load: Dependent Value1 On quick save: Dependent Value2
On save: Dependent Value2
However, if Field1 is set to Value2 using Salesforce page layout after saving the SFM transaction, then Field2 will retain the value Dependent Value1 on quick save and save.
So, the formulas and their sequence need to be configured appropriately, taking into consideration the factors mentioned above.
Referencing the header object field for a target child object field
It is not possible to refer to a header object field in the formula for a target child object field. For example, if a check box field in all the child records needs to be set to the value of a check box field in the header record, it is not possible to achieve this using a ServiceMax formula. Though such a formula can be configured in SFM Designer, it will result in runtime errors in SFM Delivery in browsers and mobile apps.
Data Validation Rules
When a Data Validation Rule is configured, and the fields on which the rule is configured are not present either in Page Layout or in the Field Set, then the following error message is displayed: Cannot execute. If you use JavaScript code in Data Validation Rule messages, it will be displayed as text.
Section Properties
Display Section Error
When there is an error in the Display Criteria expression, an error message is displayed. The section where the problem exists is not highlighted. The user does not know which section has a problem. This is a known issue.
Handover on Target Record in Classic Wizard Designer
In the Classic Wizard Designer, you cannot configure the current wizard step as the Handover on Target Record - Select Wizard property. It displays an error on the save action.
Workaround :
Use Lightning Wizard Designer to create this configuration.
In the Classic Wizard Designer do not set the value for the Handover on Target Record - Select Wizard property.
Warning Message When Handover Set as Another Wizard
In the Classic Wizard Designer, on saving the wizard step, if this step has been configured as a handover in another wizard, then a list of wizard configurations is displayed where the wizard step is used. On saving the wizard step, the wizard step association with the listed wizard configurations is lost. You have to re-configure the wizard step in all the listed wizard configurations. It is recommended to use Lightning Wizard Designer for any such configurations.
Wizard Delivery
In the Console app, if the Handover checkbox field is enabled and the Display Record on Save field is set to Target Parent Record, the source record page is displayed. The Handover On Target Record - Select Wizard property value gets cleared if Wizard or Wizard Step is edited and resaved.
Creating Contact Record is not supported within SFM
You cannot create a new contact record within SFM. You can create a contact record from the Salesforce page layout or use an alternative SFM process, such as creating a contact from an Installed Product.
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