Resources > Known Issues/ Limitations > Known Issues and Limitations: SFM Delivery
Known Issues and Limitations: SFM Delivery
Extended Edit Navigation Buttons Not Respecting the DVR Errors and Sorting Order
DVR errors are not refreshed with the navigation buttons First/Next/Prev/Last in the Extended Edit window.
The navigation buttons First/Next/Prev/Last do not respect the sorted order in the Extended Edit window after sorting the child records in the grid view.
Enabling the Checkbox field Requires Two Clicks
The checkbox field in the child line require two clicks to enable the checkbox.
DVR Warnings Not Highlighted in Extended Edit
The Data Validation Rule warnings are not highlighted with a yellow border in the Extended Edit window.
Up or Down Arrow Keys Associated with Page Number in Detail Line
With pagination enabled for the child line in this release, clicking the Up or Down arrow keys on the child line pagination UI updates the page number but does not navigate to the appropriate page in a few browsers. Also, manually changing the page number, and performing Quick Find when the user is not on the first page has UI issues with the page number display.As a workaround, you can use the Next or Previous arrow keys to navigate to the appropriate child line pages.
Child Lines More than 2000 Not Supported
If the total number of child lines across all the tabs is more than 2000 records, saving the SFM transaction leads to an unresponsive SFM Delivery page. SFM transactions consisting of more than 2000 child lines are not supported in SFM Delivery. This is a Salesforce limitation.
Time Data Type Fields Not Supported
ServiceMax does not certify the usage of Time data type fields.
Work Order Fields Should be Part of SFM Page Layout or Field Set for Get Price Calculation to Work
Work order fields that are not on page layout of SFM are not updated on Get Price calculation. Ensure that fields involved in Get Price calculation are part of the SFM page layout or field set.
'View Encrypted Data' Setting is Not Respected in Delivery
Values in fields of type TextEncrypted remain masked in SFM Delivery pages even if you have set the View Encrypted Data setting to true.
Salesforce State and Country Picklists
Salesforce State and Country Picklists are not translatable in SFM Delivery. The original values are displayed instead of displaying the translated values. This behavior is also seen for Service Reports.
The State and Country fields are displayed as text fields and the picklist values are available under the fields State Code and Country Code. The State Code field does not currently constraint the values according to the value selected in the Country Code.
Default values defined in Salesforce are not applied in SFM Delivery for picklists
Default values defined in Salesforce, which for objects with Record Type can also be set to different values based on the record type, are not displayed for picklist fields in SFM Delivery. This is by design. Picklists are expected to be defaulted to specific values by mapping those fields to the required values in a field map or value map.
Behavior of mandatory dependent picklist field in SFM Delivery is not the same as in Salesforce
Following scenario describes the difference:
When creating a new Case, the Salesforce page is designed with a dependent picklist Case Sub-Category, which is dependent on Case Category, and both fields are required. From the Salesforce edit screen, if a Case Category is selected that has no Case Sub-Category, the Case Sub-Category is grayed out and therefore not required.
However, though the field dependencies work and both fields are required in SFM, user can't save the record when there is no value in the picklist for Case Sub-Category.
The workaround is to ensure that no controlling picklist field values exists without any associated dependent picklist field value. Instead, define a dummy picklist value for dependent picklist field, to be associated with every such controlling picklist value.
Restriction with Number Field
In SFM Delivery (Classic and Lightning Theme), the number field will render expected results only if the value of the number is less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991.
CURRENTRECORD Literal not supported in Lookup Search
Lookup search with advanced filters displays error message when CURRENTRECORD literal is configured for DateTime and Number field and does not work as expected on multi add option in child lines.
Internet Explorer 11 Browser Support
Using SFM Lightning on Internet Explorer 11 browser is not recommended because of performance and UI issues.
Data Validation Error/Warning hyperlink for Check Box Fields
Clicking the Data Validation Error/Warning hyperlink in the detail line, does not highlight the specific Check Box field.
Behavior of Multi-Picklist field is different in Classic and Lightning mode
In the child lines section in the Classic mode, multi-picklist field values are shown as comma separated. While, in the header section in Lightning mode, they are shown as tick mark against each value selected, and all the selected values listed with an option to remove any value.
Anchored Header Section Buttons remain Invisible
Anchored Header section buttons remain invisible sometimes unless you hover over them. Also the anchored Header section flickers abruptly in on the Safari browser.
User Preferences
User preferences (expand and collapse of SFM sections) are remembered in the following scenarios:
On refresh of SFM
On re-launch of SFM
On a different browser
On a new browser tab
User preferences (expand and collapse of SFM sections) are not remembered in the following scenarios:
On clearing browser cache
On updating page layout of the SFM
Double Tap in the Detail Header Panel Adds a Child line
Double tap in the Detail Header panel adds a Child line only for the first time. This is a known issue.
Drag and Drop in Grid Columns Not Supported
Drag and Drop of columns in the Child Line Grid is not supported.
Child Line Field Focus Shifted to Center
On the Detail grid, when the last field in the child line is edited by double-clicking in the field, both the field and the column header move to the center of the row.
Description Field
Description field in the Child Lines behaves same as in the Classic mode.
Lookup Field UI Dislocates to the Bottom of the Child line
When you click the Lookup field in the Child line, sometimes the Lookup field UI dislocates to the bottom of the Child line.
Lookup Bubble Not Supported
Lookup Bubble icon showing additional information of the selected record is not supported.
Lookup Context Displays Null
Lookup context displays null instead of displaying the part name entered using the keyboard, in the Parts Lookup Search dialog box.
CURRENTRECORD Literal not supported in Lookup Search
Lookup search with advanced filters displays error message when CURRENTRECORD literal is configured for DateTime and Number field and does not work as expected on multi add option in child lines.
Date/Date Time Literal
Ensure that the Technician and Device are on the same timezone, for the Date/Date Time literals used in the Data Validation Rule to work as expected.
Duplicate Search field and Tabs are displayed on successful validation of address
When user loads Validate Address in Lightning component wizard, on successful validation of address, duplicate Search field and Tabs are displayed on Work Order record view.
Salesforce Lightning Community
Error in Launching OPDOC Process for a Community User
When a Community user is launching OPDOC process (Handover from SFM process), an Invalid Page message is displayed.
Custom Tab for Lightning Setup Page Not Displayed
For some user profiles, the new custom tab for ServiceMax Setup page with Lightning re-skin might not be displayed. Perform the following steps if you face this issue:
1. Before installing/upgrading the managed package in your org, ensure that My Domain is set up for lightning components. The custom tab might not be visible if My Domain is set up after installing/upgrading the managed package
2. If managed package is installed/upgraded first and then My Domain is set up, go to logged in user's profile and give Default On permission for the custom tab for ServiceMax Lightning Setup.
Issue Report and Feedback
When the service technician launches the Issue Report Feedback SFM, uploads a file and then closes the Upload Files window instead of clicking Done, then the files should not be uploaded. However, the files are uploaded. This is a known issue.
When the service technician launches the Issue Report Feedback SFM and uploads the same file twice, then the duplicate files are uploaded. However, the duplicate files should not be uploaded. This is a know issue.
When the service technician launches the Issue Report Feedback SFM and uploads a file, the message Can’t upload <filename> is displayed.
Workaround: This could be due to intermittent network traffic issues. Try to upload the file again.
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