Feature Level Limitations
The different features of ServiceMax and limitations related to those features when using Salesforce Platform Encryption at Rest are explained in the following table. It is recommended to adhere to the limitations for the functionality to work seamlessly.
SFM Transactions
Encrypted-at-rest fields should not be included in the SFM configuration to filter/qualify records. This also applies to SVMX literals, SFM-Lookup configuration, SFM Data Validation Rules, SFM Expressions, and Sorting configuration.
Dispatch Console
Encrypted-at-rest fields should not be included in the Dispatch Console view.
Mobile Configuration and Apps (Go, FSA, etc.)
Encrypted-at-rest fields should not be included in the Download or Advanced Download Criteria, Sync Config, etc.
SFM Search
Encrypted-at-rest fields should not be included in the SFM Search configuration to filter records. This also applies to Download on Demand – Online search.
Time Entry generation does not function when Start Date Time on Work Detail and Subject on Event is encrypted-at-rest.
Preventive Maintenance Plans
Encrypted-at-rest fields should not be included in the PM Process configuration. This applies to both Time and Condition Based PM plans.
Encrypted-at-rest should not be enabled for Start/End Date fields on Warranty, Service Contract and Service Contract Product object. This applies for both Interactive and Auto-Entitlement on Case and Work Order objects.
Encrypted-at-rest fields should not be included in the SFA Configuration.
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