Resources > Frequently Asked Questions > FAQ- Custom Code Snippet
FAQ- Custom Code Snippet
This section contains frequently asked questions related to ServiceMax Custom Code Snippet.
Will $db.get fetch local records from any record?
Yes, $db.get will fetch local records from all records under any object.
What should i do when the snippet configured on an “On change” event is not executed ? OR What should i do when the SFM page on which the snippet is executed, is not responding?
Verify if the following:
Check if you have selected the Snippet Version as 1.0 during code snippet creation.
Check the syntax for the JavaScript.
Check if you have used proper Salesforce API names for object and fields.
Check if the object and fields used in the snippet are available in the client database.
Can I include a filter condition that checks for NULL operation?
Null / Is Not Null operators are not supported, but you can include filter condition for NULL operation using the = operator and "Blank" as right operand field/value.
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