Sharing Settings
The Share Settings option allows you to run the Global Sharing Settings on a selected user. To run the sharing settings:
1. Navigate to Engage Setup Home > Global Settings > Troubleshooting.
2. Click Sharing Settings in Select a Test.
3. Click Select User. A picklist is displayed.
4. Select the user
5. Click Run Check.
The checks performed are displayed in the Output Logs text box. The key points to note are:
All Global Sharing Settings are checked for:
Standard Objects
Engage Objects
ServiceMax Objects
Profiles and Permission sets are not part of the check.
The following is the sample output.
2023-6-13 15:34:25 - RunningSharing Setting Checks
Skipping selected user as this checks Global Settings only
2023-6-13 15:34:25 - Checking Global Sharing on Standard Objects
Checking Object Account - Warning - Currently set to Private, ensure sufficient sharing rules are configured for external users.
Checking Object Contact - Warning - Currently set to Private, ensure sufficient sharing rules are configured for external users.
Checking Object Product - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object Case - Warning - Currently set to Private, ensure sufficient sharing rules are configured for external users.
2023-6-13 15:34:25 - Checking Global Sharing on Engage Objects
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Customer_Request__c - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Appointment_Request__c - OK - Public ControlledByParent Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Preferred_Window__c - OK - Public ControlledByParent Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Notification_Message__c - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Feedback_Question__c - Warning - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Configuration__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Configuration_Setting__c - OK - Public ControlledByParent Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_User_Preference__c - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Questionnaire_Definition__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Questionnaire_Question__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Questionnaire_Response__c - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_Page_Template__c - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXEG__SME_User_Activity_History__c - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
2023-6-13 15:34:26 - Checking Global Sharing on ServiceMax Objects
Checking Object SVMXC__Installed_Product__c - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__PM_Plan__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__PM_Plan_Template__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__SM_IB_Technical_Attributes__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__ServiceMax_Tags__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__SM_Attributes_Template__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__SM_IB_Attributes_Template_Instance__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__ServiceMax_Config_Data__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__ServiceMax_Processes__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__SVMX_Event__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__Service_Order__c - OK - Public ReadWrite Enabled at Global Level
Checking Object SVMXC__Site__c - OK - Public Read Enabled at Global Level
All Global Sharing Settings Checks completed.
Profiles and Permission sets are not part of this check
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