Push Notification
The Push Notification option allows you to send a test push notification to a logged-in user. To send the notification:
1. Navigate to Engage Setup Home > Global Settings > Troubleshooting.
2. Click Push Notification in Select a Test.
3. Click Select User. A picklist is displayed.
4. Select the user.
5. Click Run Check.
The Output Logs text box displays the checks performed. A test message is sent to the selected user for the test if the checks are successful.
The following is the sample output.
2023-6-13 15:52:16 - Running Push Notifications Checks
2023-6-13 15:52:16 - aj@engage.qauser is logged in Engage
2023-6-13 15:52:16 - Checking Certificate Setting - OK
Certificate Name Configured - DigitalCertQA
2023-6-13 15:52:19 - Checking Connected App Setting - OK
Connected App Consumer key Configured - 3MVG9M43irr9JAuwqHBIWxBUCzHtFI1KVXSya8lRUSQtaxgQ8VOHgRtt6kbRkEmZY2N19TfleAuqhcgNc2MDD
2023-6-13 15:52:19 - Checking Permissions on Connected App - OK
Connected Applications with correct permissions are - ConnectedQApp
2023-6-13 15:52:19 - Checking endpoints to ServiceMax Notification Services - OK
ServiceMax Notification Services endpoint connected is - https://ns-int.servicemax-api.com/ns/v1/messages/platformDataEvents?removeGcmNotification=true
2023-6-13 15:52:20 - Sending Push notification to the selected user.
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