Post Install or Upgrade
You can check if the environment is configured as expected. The Post Install or Upgrade check enables you to check for the required picklist values.
To run the Post Install or Upgrade check:
1. Navigate to Engage Setup Home > Global Settings > Troubleshooting.
2. Click Post Install / Upgrade check in Select a Test.
3. Click Run Check.
The following is the sample test result.
2023-6-13 15:16:36 - Running Picklist Field Checks
2023-6-13 15:16:38 - SVMXEG__SME_Status__c field on SVMXEG__SME_Customer_Request__c has following values missing or inactive: submitted, in progress, open
2023-6-13 15:16:38 - SVMXEG__SME_Category__c field on SVMXEG__SME_Notification_Message__c has following values missing or inactive: questionnaire, custom request type
All Checks Completed
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