Asset 360 Suite > Known Issues and Limitations > Flow-Related Known Issues and Limitations
Flow-Related Known Issues and Limitations
The following are the current known issues and limitations:
Configuration Limitation: In the Transactional Screen Runtime component, up to four objects can be configured as child lines. All four child lines are made mandatory even though the screen is configured to use less than the maximum value.
Text Field Limitation: For the flow child item, the Configured text field accepts more than 18 characters. This should be restricted to only 18 characters.
Polymorphic Relationship Limitation: Polymorphic relationships are not supported for the Screen Runtime used in the flows.
Designer Limitation: Flow Designer displays an error after clicking Save As if the Apex Action Object Mapping is used in the flow template.
Data Integrity Limitation: Flows may have some limited transactional integrity. This is especially true of multi-step and complex flows built in this manner to increase readability and allow for further customization. If your organization desires additional checks and data integrity in multi-step/complex flows, it is advisable to clone and customize the flows to suit your needs.
Location Object Limitation: The location object is not supported in the Screen Runtime component.
Geolocation and Time Fields Known Issue: Adding Geolocation and Time fields to any objects used in the packaged flows breaks the flows. Workarounds are:
Clone the template and modify the query step by eliminating geolocation and time fields from the query.
Do not provide access to geolocation and time fields to user profiles that use the packaged flows.
Mapping Apex Action Known Issue: Error occurs when creating a Product Request from a Work Order using the Apply Mapping apex action. A possible workaround is to apply a single value to a field on the new Product Request variable (for example, status = Draft in an assignment element) and then add the variable to the Product Request collection. Then, the Apply Mapping apex action works correctly.
Depot Work Order Manage Steps Process Known Issue: There is no validation of time captured between steps. It occurs if you override the time.
Multiple Screen Components in Flow Known Issue: This is a known issue when there is a change in the order of the related list in a transaction or screen. When a transaction or screen is used in multiple screen components in a flow, except for the first record, other records display the old order of the related list.
Screen Flow Limitation: Valid error messages are not displayed for screen flows as validations are not supported for screen flows.
Target Record Redirection Known Issue: On creating a target record, the flow is not redirected to the created target record.
Flow Upgrade Known Issue: On the upgrade of the A360 package, the standard flows, which were in Inactive status, are upgraded to the next version, and their status is changed to Active. It is a Salesforce limitation.
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