Asset 360 Suite > Asset 360 for End Users > Recordset Filter Criteria > Creating Recordset Filter Criteria
Creating Recordset Filter Criteria
To create recordset filter criteria to be used in criteria-based maintenance work rule templates:
1. Click New on the Recordset Filter Criteria landing page.The New Recordset Filter Criteria pop-up window is displayed.
2. Provide details for the following fields.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Recordset Filter Criteria Name*
The name of the recordset filter criteria.
The description of the recordset filter criteria.
Source Object*
The source object to which the filter criteria is added.
Select Maintenance Work Rule in this field to create recordset filter criteria to be used in criteria-based work rule templates.
Filtered Object*
The object that stores the filter conditions.
Select Asset in this field to create recordset filter criteria to be used in criteria-based work rule templates.
Status of the recordset filter criteria.
Only the recordset filter criteria with active status are available for selection when you create criteria-based work rule templates.
Specify the filter criteria conditions in this section.
You must specify at least one condition.
You can add up to five conditions.
The filter criteria is valid when
The filter criteria validity conditions. The following are the options:
Select All the conditions are met if you want to drive the filter criteria only when all the specified conditions are met. T
his creates an AND relationship between all conditions.
Select At least one of the conditions is met if you want to drive the filter criteria when any one of the specified conditions is met. This creates an OR relationship between all conditions.
This selection is applicable when you want to specify multiple conditions.
Criteria Field*
The filtered object (Asset) field on which the filter condition is applied.
The operator function applied in the condition.
The value for the criteria field.
For example, if you want to create the filter criteria for engines that have lower oil gauge percentage than 40%, you can select the following:
Criteria field: Oil Gauge Percentage
Operator: Less than
Value: 40%
The Value field changes as per the selection of the Criteria Field. For example, if you select the text field in Criteria Field, the Value field becomes a text field.
3. Click Save to save the recordset filter criteria.
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