Adding Outgoing OSLC Links Field to Types
You can add the Outgoing OSLC Links field in the
To add the Outgoing OSLC Links field:
1. In the
2. Select the type that you want to associate with Outgoing OLSC Links field.
3. Edit the type and select Visible Fields.
4. Add Outgoing OSLC Links field in the Fields list.
5. Select Presentations and then, select the DocStudio tab.
6. Add Outgoing OSLC Links field in the Default Fields list.
7. Click OK.
If your business process requires links creation at the Document type level, then repeat the procedure for the Document.
Administrators must also add the Outgoing OSLC Links field to the presentation template of the item for enabling the users to view the non-interactive link in the Item view of the Web UI.