WRVS Namespace
The Windchill RV&S OSLC Server provides URI for the supported wrvs namespace and the corresponding vocabulary during discovery of the service provider catalog in the xmlns:wrvs property. The response of this namespace URI includes the WRVS vocabulary that defines the wrvs namespace and its properties for supporting additional attributes. The client applications can obtain information on the supported wrvs terms for these additional attributes by sending a GET request to the Windchill RV&S OSLC Server per the following URI:
GET <protocol scheme>://<server host name>:<server port number>/<context URI>/ns/wrvs#
For example:
GET https://localhost:3001/oslc/r/ns/wrvs#
You can use the WRVS vocabulary included in the wrvs namespace to map the wrvs fields in the requirements-domain-mapping.json file.
You can use the following wrvs terms in the requirements-domain-mapping.json file:
• wrvs:state
• wrvs:revision
• wrvs:category
• wrvs:type
• wrvs:rootid
Do not use the following fields present in the wrvs namespace for mapping in the requirements-domain-mapping.json file:
• wrvs:orphaned
• wrvs:externalurl
• wrvs:directlink
• wrvs:serviceProvider