Validate Mappings
You can do a basic validation of your mapping configurations and troubleshoot your mappings, after you start the Windchill RV&S server.
You can use the following validatemappings endpoint:
GET <protocol scheme>://<server host name>:<server port number>/<context URI>/configurations/validatemappings
For example:
GET https://localhost:3001/oslc/r/configurations/validatemappings
The validatemappings endpoint only supports application/json as Accept header. It is a standalone endpoint and is not exposed to any OSLC catalogs or services.
This endpoint reads the configured project and domain mapping files (for supported domains) and does the following:
It validates the configured Windchill RV&S types and fields in the mappings against the fields available on the Windchill RV&S server.
It checks if the query, enum, and custom namespaces have been correctly configured in the appropriate mapping files.